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10 Juli 2024 03:30

Trenggalek's typical lodho chicken recipe, tender and the spices are perfectly absorbed

The spices that permeate perfectly make this village chicken preparation nagih pol. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@dianayupuspitasari

Brilio.net - Lodho chicken is one of the typical Trenggalek dishes that can shake the tongue. Especially if this dish uses free-range chicken as the main ingredient. So that the texture is soft, free-range chicken can be boiled first before cooking using various spices.

Apart from its soft texture, the spices are perfectly absorbed to make this processed free-range chicken really addictive. The following is a recipe for typical Trenggalek village chicken lodho which is tender and the spices are perfectly absorbed, BrilioFood reports from Instagram @dianayupuspitasari.

photo: Instagram/@dianayupuspitasari

- 1 free-range chicken, split in the middle
- 700 ml coconut milk from 1 old coconut
- 20 whole cayenne peppers
- 3 bay leaves
- 2 lime leaves
- 1 galangal segment, crushed
- 2 lemongrass, crushed
- 8 red onions, puree
- 4 cloves of garlic, crushed
- 3 kencur segments, puree
- 1 segment of turmeric, burnt then puree
- 1 segment of ginger, puree
- 3 candlenuts, crushed
- 1 tsp coriander, puree
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- Sugar and salt, to taste

How to make:
1. Clean the chicken. Grill until the chicken is cooked, turning over low heat. Set aside.
2. Saute all the spices, pour into the boiling water.
3. Add whole chilies and coconut milk. Wait until it boils then add the chicken.
4. Boil until the chicken is tender. Check the taste, serve.

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