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11 Juni 2024 23:59

This trick removes limescale from the socket switch so it's like new, it only takes 5 minutes

The dirty auto socket is new again. Shahfara Raida
HL: YouTube/Mindar Yuntoro

Brilio.net - Socket switches that have been used for years sometimes experience discoloration. The reason is, the switches are often touched by hands which are not necessarily hygienic. If left for a long time, a lot of crusty stains will appear on the socket and it will be difficult to clean.

Dirty switches definitely reduce the aesthetics of the room at home, right? So, you shouldn't just clean dirty switches, okay? Make sure the process of cleaning the switch does not use a lot of water, so that no water gets between the switches and creates an electrical short circuit.

To be safe, you can try the trick to remove limescale from the socket switch from YouTube account user Mindar Yuntoro. After all, you can practice this trick in just a short time, namely 5 minutes. Apart from that, the ingredients are also simple and can be obtained from the kitchen.

So, the kitchen ingredient used to practice this trick to remove limescale from the socket switch is dishwashing soap. Pour a little dish soap onto a sponge, then rub it on the socket switch without adding any water at all.

"Use the rough side," said YouTube account owner Mindar Yuntoro, quoted on Tuesday (11/6).

photo: YouTube/Mindar Yuntoro

After scrubbing until the socket switch is clean, then wipe off the remaining soap using a soft sponge. YouTube account owner Mindar Yuntoro explained that this process didn't take long, only about 5 minutes. After that, you can do the same trick on all the dirty socket switches in the house.

photo: YouTube/Mindar Yuntoro

How about it, the results are shiny like new, right? If you are interested in trying a trick to descale contact socket switches like this too or do you have any other tricks?

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