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30 September 2024 09:00

This quick way to grate and squeeze coconut to make coconut milk is easy even without special tools or machines.

Easy to practice at home. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Many traditional Indonesian dishes use coconut milk as the main ingredient , making this processed coconut product very popular. Coconut milk is available in various forms on the market, from instant versions, freshly squeezed coconut milk, to whole coconuts to be processed at home. Some people prefer to make their own coconut milk because it is considered to produce a more authentic taste and aroma.

However, the process of making coconut milk at home is often considered complicated and time-consuming and laborious. As a result, many people use various kitchen tools to facilitate this process. In addition to manual graters, blenders are also often used to process coconut into coconut milk .

However, there is an alternative method introduced by TikTok user @inkafitrianaa. This method is claimed to be faster and more effective, especially for producing pure thick coconut milk. This method offers a practical solution for those who want to make high-quality coconut milk with minimal effort.

"Rather than being curious, let's try squeezing coconut using a mini slow juicer. Does anyone have experience squeezing coconut using a slow juicer??" he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @inkafitrianaa on Friday (27/9).

First, prepare the peeled and cut coconut. Next, process it directly using a slow juicer. Later, the coconut milk and pulp will come out of each hole. The way this slow juicer works can indeed separate the water and pulp from the fruit, so it is also suitable for making coconut milk.

photo: TikTok/@inkafitrianaa

The coconut milk yield tends to be small, because the coconut milk is still pure and thick without any additional water at all. Namely, from a bowl of coconut pieces only produces half a glass of coconut milk. However, if you want more and liquid coconut milk, the owner of the TikTok account @inkafitrianaa explained, the dregs can be squeezed again using additional water.

photo: TikTok/@inkafitrianaa

How, is the trick simple enough? What method do you prefer to use to grate and squeeze coconut milk? Peeking at the comments column on the upload belonging to TikTok @inkafitrianaa, a number of netizens seem enthusiastic about this trick. This upload has also received more than a million viewers.

"If you don't use water, use a little, it's pure coconut, if you squeeze it, use water," said TikTok @Mei_shop.

"That's how it happens, santen makers usually add coconut water, if it's pure then you get a little," explained TikTok @Lantam in your mouth.

"That's thick coconut milk, bro," added TikTok @cancer.

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