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13 September 2024 21:00

This moment of eating together during a community celebration using teak leaf mats brings back nostalgia for the past

It cannot be denied that eating using teak leaves as a base really adds to the delicious taste. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
This moment of eating together during a community celebration using teak leaf mats brings back nostalgia for the past foto: Instagram/@timelinejowo

Brilio.net - Any celebration certainly cannot be separated from the agenda of eating. Starting from thanksgiving, weddings, to religious studies held in the community must be equipped with various food dishes. The food served is generally arranged on plates to be shared with residents who attend the celebration.

However, it is different from the dishes at the celebration which are served with other containers like in this Instagram video @timelinejowo. Not with plates, the moment of eating together at this community celebration actually uses teak leaves. The teak leaves are used as a base for the rice to be eaten.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @timelinejowo on Friday (13/9), the video initially showed a group of residents gathered at home. A moment later, a man entered the house and brought a bunch of fresh teak leaves. No kidding, the teak leaves he brought were very many.

photo: Instagram/@timelinejowo

After further investigation, the teak leaves were to be used as a base for the residents' meals. Therefore, the residents who had gathered beforehand immediately took several teak leaves. They immediately arranged the teak leaves on the table and chairs.

After the teak leaf base was neatly arranged, the residents who had gathered then sat in several places and waited for a man to distribute the rice. Well, the rice was immediately placed on the table and chairs that had been covered with the teak leaves.

photo: Instagram/@timelinejowo

When the rice has been distributed, there are other residents who then distribute side dishes from a tray. The side dishes are placed on top of the rice to be eaten. In the upload, residents appear very enthusiastic in anticipation of the rice and side dishes being distributed.

Basically, teak leaves have been used as a base or food wrapper since ancient times. Even today, some people, especially in villages, still use fresh teak leaves as a base. In addition to being sturdy, this type of leaf has a delicious aroma that can make food taste better.

photo: Instagram/@timelinejowo

It is no wonder that the moment of eating together using teak leaves immediately makes us nostalgic. Even a number of netizens felt the same way and expressed it directly in the comments column of the video.

" Makes you drool....imagine the smell of rice made from teak leaves....the last time I ate rice made from teak leaves was 13 years ago when I was still at my mom's house ," wrote the Instagram account @diana_dian3971.

" I miss manganese sego wrapped in godong teak (I miss eating rice wrapped in teak leaves), " explained Instagram @abiddisini.

photo: Instagram/@timelinejowo

Since it was uploaded on Monday (9/9), the video about the moment of eating together has been watched more than hundreds of thousands of times. Looking at the comments column, there are many other Instagram users who claim to be amazed by the moment in the video. Because they admit that rice wrapped in teak leaves is usually more delicious and tasty.

" I don't know why rice wrapped in teak leaves tastes so good, I swear it beats the food at home ," said Instagram @azizah.hanum_lpw.

" It's delicious, MashaAllah, it's really delicious.. it tastes unique ," said Instagram @nihla.ra

" The rice looks so delicious, I really want to miss it when there's a celebration, even if it's just rice and stir-fried papaya, it tastes better than meat ," said Instagram @tya_prasetyo3.

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