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20 Juni 2024 15:00

The trick to getting rid of the smell of goat meat, rely on 2 kitchen ingredients

Processing goat meat is quite tricky because the smell is very strong and can affect the taste of the dish. Dwiyana Pangesthi
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Goat meat is a dish that is often prepared during Eid al-Adha. Such as making satay, tongseng, curry, even krengsengan. Well, this dish is delicious to eat with warm rice, you know.

Not only is it delicious, goat meat apparently also has many benefits, of course by paying attention to consumption limits . According to kemenkes.go.id, 100 grams of goat meat contains 18 grams of fat, 24.9 grams of protein and 268.9 calories. So the protein in meat functions to build and repair body tissue, produce hormones, enzymes and other chemicals in the body, form muscles, bones, skin and blood, as well as a source of energy.

Unfortunately, quite a few people are reluctant to process goat meat. Because this source of animal protein has a fairly strong prengus aroma. Sometimes even though it has been processed with spices, the prengus smell can still be smelled.

But don't worry, for those of you who want to try processing goat meat yourself, you can copy the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura which shares tips for eliminating the prengus smell of goat meat, by relying on 2 kitchen ingredients. These ingredients are salt and lime.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

First prepare water in a container. Then put the goat meat that has been cut into pieces into the container.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Add 1 tsp salt, 2 slices of lime that have been seeded and squeezed. Don't forget to also put the squeezed lime peel into the container. Stir briefly, then let sit for 10 minutes.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

If so, rinse using clean water and the goat meat is ready to be prepared according to taste. Well, the owner of this video chose to process goat meat to make maranggi satay. He uses several ingredients: 600 grams of goat meat, 1 packet of marinade spices, and 3 tablespoons of water. As well as ground spices in the form of 4 cloves of shallots, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 cm ginger, 2 cm galangal, 1 1/2 tsp palm sugar, 2 tsp granulated sugar, 2 tsp sweet soy sauce, 3/4 tsp powder, 1 tsp tamarind water Javanese, and 1 tsp cooking oil.

The steps to make it are quite practical, first mix the goat meat, marinade spices and water in a container. Then beat until smooth, skewer the goat meat with a skewer.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Then mix the satay with the ground spices until smooth. Leave it for 30 minutes or more. Next, grill the satay until cooked, occasionally brushing with the remaining spices. After that serve with chili sauce.

Having been watched more than 153 thousand times, this video immediately caught the attention of netizens. There are also those who share tips on getting rid of the smell of meat prengus in other ways in the comments column.

"Hello umi, if I boil it first in boiling water for 15 minutes, add bay leaves, etc., then wash it again and then cook it, oh yes, what makes the smell is the first boiled water, it should be thrown away, thank God it's cleaner and doesn't smell," commented account @ kunthiratna.

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