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20 Juni 2024 01:00

Recipe for green tea pinch cookies, a soft and chewy market snack

Green tea lovers will definitely love this cake. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@cafe_whatsup

Brilio.net - Many people like pinch cakes because of their soft texture. Cubit cakes are also usually served in various flavors so that their appearance looks even more tempting.

One of the flavors you can choose is green tea. Instead of buying it outside, you can make it yourself at home. The following is a green tea cubit cake recipe that BrilioFood has reported on Instagram @cafe_whatsup.

photo: Instagram/@cafe_whatsup

- 3 eggs
- 100 gr margarine
- 1 packet of vanilla powder
- 100 gr wheat flour
- 100 gr granulated sugar
- Green tea powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp baking powder

Topping ingredients:
- Sweetened condensed milk
- Chocochips
- Biscuits

How to make:
1. Mix eggs and granulated sugar in a container, beat well using a mixer.
2. Add the flour little by little while continuing to beat.
3. Pour in margarine, stir well. Add baking powder, baking soda and vanilla powder.
4. Add green tea powder and stir until evenly mixed.
5. Heat the mold by smearing it with butter first.
6. Pour the mixture into the mold, then close. Leave it for a few minutes until the cake is completely cooked.
7. Once cooked, serve with toppings.

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