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25 September 2024 23:59

Practical way to remove formalin from fresh fish in 15 minutes

Formalin in fresh fish is dangerous for health. Here's a practical way to remove it with just one kitchen ingredient. Nadhifah
Practical way to remove formalin from fresh fish in 15 minutes foto: YouTube/Galeri Linda

Brilio.net - Fish is one of the side dishes that is widely consumed by the public. Whatever the type, fish is a delicious and easy-to-process side dish. You can process it by frying, grilling, or making pepes .

Before being processed into various dishes, fish must of course be cleaned first. Moreover, most fish sold in the market have been given formalin. This chemical substance which is usually mixed with disinfectants and wart medicine is actually used as a fish preservative.

Consuming fish with formalin is clearly dangerous, especially if the dose is high. Reported from webmd.com, formalin can interfere with the respiratory system, cause skin problems, and even cancer. Therefore, make sure the fish to be processed is free from these dangerous substances.

As a form of prevention, you can process the fish first before washing it with water. This process aims to remove the formalin content in it.

The method was shared by YouTube user Galeri Linda, who showed a tutorial on how to remove formalin from fresh fish. The method is quite practical, especially since you only need to prepare one kitchen ingredient to practice it.

First, put the fresh fish that you just bought in a container. Then pour enough vinegar into the container. The amount of vinegar used can be adjusted according to the amount of fresh fish to be processed.

"For 1 kilo of fish, I use 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Galeri Linda on Wednesday (25/9).

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

Next, pour water into the container. Use the water measurement until it covers the entire surface of the fish.

"Soak and let the fish soak for 15 minutes," he said further.

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

After soaking for 15 minutes, discard the soaking water. Rinse the fish under running water. While rubbing so that the fish becomes maximally clean and free from formalin and vinegar solution residue. Drain.

photo: YouTube/Linda Gallery

This cleanly washed fish can be directly processed with various spices according to taste. No need to worry when eating it, because the fish is free from formaldehyde which is harmful to the body.

Reported from its.ac.id, according to a chemistry lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITS in Surabaya, this vinegar solution can indeed reduce the level of formalin in fish by 99.83 percent. The decreased level of formalin makes the fish safe for consumption.

Looking at the comments column of Linda Gallery's YouTube upload, quite a few netizens feel very helped by this tutorial on removing formalin from fish. In addition, this video has been watched 1.9 thousand times.

"This is good information," wrote the YouTube account @CoverChannel99.

"Wow, yes, moms, this is really very useful, sometimes we don't know the content of food like this fish," said the YouTube account @humdistychannel.

"The tips are very useful, sis, so I understand how to neutralize it," said YouTube account @abrahamilyas9367.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you for sharing tips on how to remove formalin from fish," said the YouTube account @dapurnajah9935.

"Masyaallah, the knowledge you share is extraordinary. Thank you, it's very useful. I just found out there's a way to clean formalin," wrote the YouTube account @trynosmaknum7875.

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