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25 Agustus 2024 14:30

Not filtered, this is a practical way to remove oil from soupy foods in 10 minutes

Soup that is too oily makes the tongue and throat uncomfortable. Nadhifah
foto: TikTok/@idekkreatifdifa

Brilio.net - Soup is often considered a practical dish and is suitable to be enjoyed every day, even for various events. This soup dish is often nicknamed 'comfort food' because it can provide a comfortable and calming feeling. Generally, soup consists of a combination of vegetables, beans, and meat, which are then cooked in a broth that can be adjusted to taste.

Whether as an everyday family meal or a special treat for various occasions, soup is always a comforting and warming choice. Its rich broth combined with various ingredients in it, makes soup a dish that is loved by many people because of its ease of preparation and its ability to provide comfort in every mouthful.

Soup can be made with various ingredients, and one of the favorites of many people is chicken or beef soup. However, if the cooking process is not done properly, the meat soup can produce a broth that is too fatty. A broth that is too fatty will certainly reduce the enjoyment when eaten.

When the broth becomes too oily, the fresh and light flavor of the soup can be lost, making the dish less satisfying. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to cooking techniques to keep the fat in the soup under control, so that the broth remains delicious and does not make the soup taste too heavy.

Some people even deliberately strain the soup stock little by little to remove excess oil. Although effective, this method is quite complicated. As a solution, you can imitate the method used by TikTok user @idekreatifdifa. In his video upload, this netizen admitted that it only took 10 minutes to make a soup dish clean from excess oil. Curious about how to do it?

photo: TikTok/@idekkreatifdifa

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @idekreatifdifa on Saturday (8/24), pour the soup into a bowl. Without waiting for it to cool, put the soup in the refrigerator. Let it sit for 10 minutes.

photo: TikTok/@idekkreatifdifa

After letting it sit for 10 minutes, remove the bowl. The soup will appear frozen. Once this happens, immediately set aside the top of the soup dish.

photo: TikTok/@idekkreatifdifa

Because, that part is the pile of excess oil. Set aside until the soup dish is free from oil content. If so, heat the soup dish for a few minutes. As a result, the soup dish is free from excess oil content. Ready to serve and enjoy as a side dish with rice.

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