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8 Mei 2024 23:00

No need to sprinkle salt, this is an effective way to get rid of mosquitoes at home using only 2 kitchen ingredients

The smell is strong, it repels mosquitoes, but it's still safe because it's not a chemical. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@kang_adhe_tea93 ; YouTube/Erdi Story

Brilio.net - Mosquitoes are one of the insects that often come into homes uninvited. In fact, this insect is considered dangerous because it causes dengue fever. If left alone, mosquitoes can breed so that their population increases.

To get rid of mosquitoes quickly, some people immediately burn mosquito coils. But if you can't stand the smoke, some people deliberately sprinkle salt in rooms that are often visited by mosquitoes. Reporting from timesofindia.com, the aroma of salt is considered to be strong so mosquitoes don't like it.

But if you don't want your salt stock to be wasted, you can replace it with other kitchen ingredients. As did Instagram user @kang_adhe_tea93. In his video upload, this netizen appears to be replacing salt with two other kitchen ingredients. Curious about how?

How to repel mosquitoes using natural ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @kang_adhe_tea93 on Wednesday (8/5), the two kitchen ingredients used were lime and cloves. To do this, cut and divide the lime into two equal parts.

photo: Instagram/@kang_adhe_tea93

If so, you don't need to squeeze the lime, OK? Instead, immediately put a few cloves on top of the lime slices. Don't forget, also put a candle in the middle of the lime slice.

photo: Instagram/@kang_adhe_tea93

It didn't stop there, this netizen also put skewers around the lime slices. After that, the top of the skewer is attached to the other lime slice.

photo: Instagram/@kang_adhe_tea93

If this is the case, this natural mosquito repellent can be applied directly. To do this, burn the candle in the middle of the lime slice. Once it's on, move the lime to areas frequented by mosquitoes.

photo: Instagram/@kang_adhe_tea93

After being burned for a while, the mosquitoes will leave the house by themselves. Not without reason, lime peel contains essential oils that mosquitoes don't like. Not only that, mosquitoes also don't like the smell of cloves.

This method is fairly easy to imitate at home, right? Not only is it effective in repelling mosquitoes, this method can also be practiced when you want to reduce the fly population at home.

How to squeeze limes to get lots of juice.

Here are some tips for squeezing limes to produce lots of juice:

1. Choose ripe and soft limes.

Ripe limes tend to produce more juice than those that are still green or firm. Choose limes that feel dense in weight and have skin that is slightly elastic when pressed.

2. Heat the lime before squeezing.

Heat the lime by soaking it in warm water for a few minutes or by triggering it with the palm of your hand before squeezing it. The heat will help soften the lime and make it easier to squeeze.

3. Roll the lime.

Roll the lime on a flat surface with the palm of your hand before squeezing it. This can help break down the cells in the fruit and release more juice.

4. Use appropriate tools.

Use an efficient tool to squeeze limes, such as a citrus tongs, hand tongs, or citrus squeezer. Make sure the tool is clean and dry before use.

5. Use sufficient pressure.

When squeezing a lime, apply enough pressure to the fruit to release the juice, but avoid applying too much pressure which could damage the squeezer or cause the pulp to mix in the juice.

By following the tips above, you can maximize juice extraction from limes and produce plenty of water to use in various recipes and drinks.

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