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29 November 2024 14:00

No need to rinse with hot water, here's a trick to wash oily plastic containers so they're dry.

Not only using hot water, you can also use other ingredients that are more effective when washing plastic containers. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
No need to rinse with hot water, here's a trick to wash oily plastic containers so they're dry. foto: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Brilio.net - Plastic containers that are often used to store food often still feel slippery even though they have been cleaned with soap. This phenomenon can be very annoying, especially if the container is used to store oily or strong-smelling food. Usually oil and odor residue will stick more strongly to the plastic layer, making it more difficult to clean.

One of the reasons why plastic containers remain slippery is because of the nature of oil and grease that is difficult to remove with regular soap. Oil has the ability to stick tightly to the plastic surface. In addition, the micro pores on the plastic surface can also store oil residue that cannot be reached by regular cleaning, causing the surface to remain slippery even after being washed many times.

To overcome this problem, there are several methods that can be applied. Using a mixture of hot water is often done to help dissolve the oil. Hot water is considered more effective in increasing the cleaning power of soap, so that slippery stains can be easily removed when scrubbed.

But not only using hot water, you can also use other ingredients that are more effective when washing plastic containers so that they are not slippery. An Instagram user @rumah_shahia once gave another alternative when he wanted to wash his plastic containers. He admitted that he only used simple ingredients that were in the kitchen.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah_shahia on Friday (11/29), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda, vinegar, and dishwashing soap. Well, these three ingredients are simply mixed together in a container. After that, dissolve it with a little warm water. That way, this cleaning fluid is ready to use.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

You can use a dishwashing sponge to apply the cleaning agent to the slippery plastic container. Then scrub and clean it like you would when washing dishes normally. Once done, scrub, rinse under running water and dry.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Well, this mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap is not only effective in removing oily stains and making the container drier. There is another function that is no less important, namely helping to remove musty odors and even stubborn stains. According to Instagram user @rumah_shahia, the chemical reaction between baking soda and acidic vinegar produces carbon dioxide bubbles that can lift stubborn dirt.

Having been viewed more than 4,000 times, this video about the trick of washing plastic containers has immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Many other Instagram users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most even admitted that they wanted to practice the trick directly.

" Baking soda has many benefits ," said Instagram @aeni_airen.

" Thanks for the tips, sis. I get annoyed when my skin is oily ," said Instagram user @diary_rumahsenja.

" Wow, I immediately got it, honey, I want to try it too ," said Instagram @amrandevi_23.

" I want to practice aahh ," wrote the Instagram account @ayu_said_family.

" Perfectly clean, sis ," commented the Instagram account @mami_khayra28.

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