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30 Mei 2024 08:01

No need to replace the regulator, this is a trick to overcome small stove fires, just use 1 kitchen ingredient

One common cause of a small stove fire is insufficient gas flow. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - A small stove fire can hinder the cooking process. Flames that do not reach the optimal size can lengthen the cooking time, causing uneven dish results. This could also indicate a serious problem with the gas system or stove equipment itself. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes and solutions to this problem.

One common cause of a small stove fire is insufficient gas flow. Usually a number of people will immediately replace the gas cylinder regulator to maximize gas flow to the stove. This method can indeed make the stove fire volume bigger.

But instead of immediately replacing the regulator , there are other, more practical methods for dealing with small stove fires. This method was used by the owner of the Instagram account @skill.rumahan. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen ingredient to overcome the small stove fire.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

How to overcome a small stove fire, just use 1 kitchen ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @skill.rumahan on Wednesday (29/5), the kitchen ingredient in question is table vinegar. So this vinegar will be used to clean clogged stove components such as the burner. Because basically, a dirty stove burner can block the flow of gas, so the resulting fire tends to be small.

Well, how to use table vinegar is quite easy. The first thing to do is dismantle the furnace and burner. After that, take the stove burner. Then immediately sprinkle enough table vinegar all over the stove burner.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

If so, scrub it using an old toothbrush. Do this process evenly across all parts of the stove burner. If necessary, also clean the burner holes by inserting a stick into the area so that residue or dirt can be removed. Once clean, dry the burner by wiping it with a dry cloth.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

So, the stove burner that has been cleaned can be reinstalled on top of the funnel. After that, place the stove as before. You can immediately turn on the stove as usual to check the volume of fire produced. Usually a burner that is clean will emit a bigger flame because there is no dirt clog in it.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

Since it was uploaded last Friday (24/5), this video about tricks for dealing with small stove fires has been watched more than 112 thousand times. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users are interested and also provide direct responses in the comments column. Some of them also provided other suggestions for dealing with small stove fires

"Try checking the pump hole, you're afraid it's clogged," said Instagram @ferdianrick.

"Not only because of that, if there is a lot of cooking oil splashing around the lighter, it definitely won't be able to be lit, it has to be cleaned," said Instagram @kaliwang.

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