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7 April 2024 01:30

No need to go to a repairman, this is an easy trick to remove a stuck blender cup

This method also doesn't require extra energy, you know. Nadhifah
No need to go to a repairman, this is an easy trick to remove a stuck blender cup foto: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

Brilio.net - A blender is one of the kitchen tools that is often used to puree various food ingredients. Not without reason, the blade that is shaped like a propeller on a blender can be used to stir, mix and soften the food in it.

Because of this, most people prefer to use a blender rather than a mortar. Because without needing to spend extra energy, food ingredients or spices become perfectly smooth.

Even so, using a blender is also not free from problems. One problem is that the blender glass is difficult to open. Even though you rotated it as hard as you could, the blender glass still jammed so you couldn't use it as usual.

Knowing this, a number of people usually go straight to a repairman to repair the blender. But it turns out, there are practical ways that you can practice when you experience a similar incident. A YouTube user, Anton Sunaryo Official, showed the appearance of his blender cup being stuck.

"This key can't be opened, turning it around is still stuck," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Anton Sunaryo Official on Sunday (7/4).

Easy way to remove a jammed blender cup.

photo: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

Instead of going to a repairman, this netizen actually repaired his blender cup himself, you know. To do this, pour enough water into the pan. Place the pan on the stove, then turn on low heat.

photo: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

Without waiting for it to boil, put the blender glass into the pan. To make it completely submerged, this netizen also placed stones on top of the blender glass. Let stand and boil the blender glass until the water boils.

photo: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

After the boiled water boils, wait about 15-20 minutes. This is so that the rubber on the blender glass lid expands. Once done, turn off the stove and drain the blender glass.

photo: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

When hot, hold the blender glass with both hands. Then slowly rotate the blender glass. Without needing extra effort, the blender glass opens easily.

It's easy to open straight away. "So if it's locked, just boil it for 15-20 minutes," explained the video owner.

photo: YouTube/Anton Sunaryo Official

How to sharpen blender knives so they are sharp again.

Sharpening blender blades can be done in a few simple steps. However, it is important to remember that the blender blade must be removed from its holder and sharpened carefully to avoid injury. Here are the general steps for sharpening blender blades.

1. Turn off and separate the blender.

Make sure the blender is turned off and separate the blender blade from its place in the container.

2. Prepare sharpening tools.

You can use a sharpening tool specifically designed for knives, such as a sharpening stone or an electric sharpener. If you use a sharpening stone, make sure to choose one that suits the size and type of blender blade.

3. Sharpening.

Hold the blender blade carefully and make sure to maintain the proper angle while sharpening. Gently move the knife toward the whetstone or sharpening tool, using enough pressure to remove dullness, but avoiding too much pressure that could damage the knife.

4. Check sharpness.

After you sharpen one side of the knife, check the sharpness carefully. If it is still dull, continue the sharpening process until it reaches the desired sharpness.

5. Repeat for the other side.

Once one side of the knife has been sharpened, repeat the same process for the other side. Make sure to maintain a consistent sharpening angle.

6. Test again.

Once both sides of the knife have been sharpened, carefully check the sharpness again. Make sure the knife is sharp enough before placing it back into the blender.

7. Replace the blade.

Once you are sure the knife is sharp enough, replace the knife into its place in the blender container.

Make sure to take enough time and carry out the sharpening process carefully to get the best results. If you don't feel comfortable sharpening yourself, you can also take the blender blade to a professional barber to have it sharpened.

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