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25 Maret 2024 16:00

It only takes 5 minutes, this is a quick way to thaw frozen fish from the freezer without hot water and vinegar

The frozen condition of the fish makes the texture very hard. It must be thawed first before processing. You need the right method if you want to melt it quickly. Nadhifah
foto:YouTube/EmmaHS Official

Brilio.net - The most ideal place to store fish stock is the refrigerator, more precisely in the freezer. It is not without reason that fish is one of the foodstuffs that is easily contaminated and rotten if stored at room temperature. Therefore, fish stocks are usually stored in a cold freezer.

When stored in the freezer, fish will freeze. This condition makes it impossible for the bacteria in it to grow. As a result, fish stocks will last for weeks, even months, you know.

Unfortunately, this also creates its own challenges. The frozen condition of the fish makes the texture very hard. If it's like this, like it or not, you have to thaw it first when you want to process it.

A number of people will usually move the fish to the chiller section. Then the meat will be left overnight so that the texture softens. However, this method is considered ineffective if you are in a hurry to process fish.

Instead, you can use a special method to thaw frozen fish quickly. The method was shared by Instagram user @arnianingsih. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he could thaw frozen fish in just 5 minutes, you know. Interested in trying?

How to quickly thaw frozen fish from the freezer .

At the beginning of the video, the account owner shows his fish stock which has been stored for several days in the freezer. Don't be surprised if the fish ends up frozen and hardened.

photo: Instagram/@arnianingsih

While most people usually soak frozen fish in hot water or a vinegar solution, this netizen admits that he has a special method. But keep in mind that there is one tool needed. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @arnianingsih on Monday (25/3), one such tool is an aluminum pan.

To do this, put the frozen fish in plastic first. Once done, tie the plastic tightly so that the frozen fish inside doesn't come out. After that, put the plastic on top of an aluminum pan that is placed upside down.

photo: Instagram/@arnianingsih

To make it thaw quickly, he also placed another aluminum pan on top of the plastic containing the frozen fish. No need to soak it in water, just let the frozen fish thaw by itself. For your information, it turns out that aluminum pans are believed to be able to thaw frozen fish quickly.

"Because aluminum can absorb the temperature of the ice so it melts," explained the owner of the video.

photo: Instagram/@arnianingsih

After leaving it for 5 minutes, the frozen fish had thawed and separated from each other. As seen in the video upload, there is liquid collected at the end of the plastic. If that's the case, just open the plastic and take the fish one by one. The texture is not hard, so the fish can be directly prepared according to taste.

photo: Instagram/@arnianingsih

How to thaw frozen fish
2024 brilio.net/Rakha Kharista

Easy way to clean fish scales.

Here's an easy way to clean fish scales:

1. Prepare the necessary equipment, including a fish knife, flat plate, and clean fish brush.

2. Place the fish on a flat plate or stable surface.

3. Use a fish knife to scrape off the scales from the tail to the head. You can use the tip of a knife carefully to gently lift the scales.

4. Make sure to clean the scales from all surfaces of the fish's body, including around the fins and hard-to-reach areas.

5. Once most of the scales have been removed, rinse the fish under running water to remove any loose scales and clean the fish's body.

6. After you have finished removing the scales, check to see if there are any scales left behind. If there is, use a clean fish brush to scrub the area.

7. Rinse the fish once again under running water to ensure all scales have been removed.

8. Now the fish is ready to be cooked or stored as needed.

Make sure to clean the tools used when finished, and don't forget to wash your hands well after handling fish.

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