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9 Desember 2024 19:00

Instead of using lime, here's a trick to remove stubborn fishy smells from kitchen utensils using 1 ingredient.

Usually this fishy smell comes from animal ingredients, such as fish, chicken and beef. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of using lime, here's a trick to remove stubborn fishy smells from kitchen utensils using 1 ingredient. YouTube/Menyan cikuya

Brilio.net - Various animal foods such as fish, chicken, and beef often leave a fishy smell that sticks to kitchen utensils after the processing process. This unpleasant odor is a problem in itself in the cleanliness of cooking utensils.

Although washing with dish soap is a common first step, sometimes this method is not effective enough to remove the fishy smell that has already stuck. A special cleaning agent with a strong aroma is needed to overcome this problem, such as lime juice which is often used because its strong citrus aroma can neutralize the fishy smell.

When lime is not available, there are alternative cleaning agents that can be used. This is proven by a video from the YouTube account Menyan cikuya. He shows the use of simple ingredients that are easy to find at home, to remove the fishy smell from kitchen utensils.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Menyan cikuya on Monday (9/12), the ingredient in question is toothpaste. So, this toothpaste will be applied together with dishwashing soap. However, the technique must be right so that the fishy smell can disappear.

photo: YouTube/Menyan cikuya

Well, before mixing it with dish soap, you have to apply this toothpaste first. More precisely, pour enough toothpaste onto the yellow (soft) part of the dishwashing sponge. After that, smooth it out until the toothpaste is absorbed into the sponge.

photo: YouTube/Menyan cikuya

To prevent the toothpaste from sticking too much to the kitchen utensils, use the back side of the sponge (the rough green part) to scrub the kitchen utensils. Do this process to all the kitchen utensils that smell fishy. If so, set it aside first.

Next, rinse the kitchen utensils a little. Then scrub again using a sponge that has been given additional soap and toothpaste. This washing process will make the fishy smell on the surface of the kitchen utensils completely disappear, you know.

photo: YouTube/Menyan cikuya

Once scrubbed with soap, rinse the kitchen utensils until clean. Then drain until all the kitchen utensils are dry. Don't forget to rinse and squeeze the dishwashing sponge. Make sure to store the sponge in a dry and clean condition.

photo: YouTube/Menyan cikuya

How, easy enough, right? No wonder then this useful video garnered a lot of attention from netizens. Not a few even responded directly in the comments column. Most of these netizens were grateful for getting new, useful knowledge.

"Wow, great, sis, you've shared a very useful method," said YouTube @duberkw.

"Thank you for sharing the tips, friend," said YouTube @kaumkusamnusantara.

"Dishwashing soap and toothpaste are the secret to removing fishy smells from kitchen utensils. Thank you very much for the information, toothpaste can also work," said YouTube @yunikeeler.

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