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12 Desember 2024 22:00

Instead of soaking it in hot water, here's an easy trick to remove the smell of chilies in a blender using 1 kitchen ingredient.

Pouring hot water into the blender glass is actually not recommended because it could potentially damage the machine. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of soaking it in hot water, here's an easy trick to remove the smell of chilies in a blender using 1 kitchen ingredient. YouTube/RJnina

Brilio.net - Modern electronic equipment has made cooking activities in the kitchen easier, especially blenders that are able to smooth various food ingredients with different textures. This tool can process vegetables, fruits, meat, and even ice cubes effectively.

Each type of blender has a specific design, both in terms of the blades and the shape of the container. Blenders for pureeing vegetables and fruits usually have tall and concave cups, while blenders specifically for spices are equipped with smaller containers. Although using separate containers for spices and other food ingredients is highly recommended, many people still use one blender container for various purposes.

Problems often arise when the blender is used to puree chilies, because the spicy aroma tends to remain and can affect the taste of other food ingredients that are processed afterward. Some people try to solve this problem by washing the blender using hot water and dish soap, but this method risks damaging the machine and causing cracks in the blender glass.

Luckily, a safer alternative solution has been shared by YouTube content creator RJnina. The method she offers has proven to be effective in removing the smell of chili peppers without using hot water, so it doesn't harm your equipment.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube RJnina on Thursday (12/12), the ingredient used to remove the smell of chili is flour. Well, this flour can neutralize the smell of chili or other unpleasant things trapped in the blender glass. In addition, the blender will not feel spicy when used.

First, wash the blender thoroughly. After that, add enough flour to the blender. You can use any type of flour you have in your kitchen.

photo: YouTube/RJnina

Once done, pour in enough water. Make sure the amount of water is more than the flour so that the mixture of the two ingredients does not produce a dense dough. After that, install the blender cup on the machine and close the blender cup. Turn on the machine and blend the flour water until smooth and well mixed.

photo: YouTube/RJnina

After blending with flour for a while, turn off the blender. Then open the lid and throw away the flour water. If so, rinse the blender under running water.

photo: YouTube/RJnina

After cleaning, the chili smell in the blender is completely gone. You can immediately use this blender to smooth various other kitchen ingredients. Guaranteed that the food ingredients will not be contaminated by the smell and spicy taste of chili.

How? Easy enough, right? In addition to being effective, this method also tends to be safe to do because it does not require hot water that could potentially damage the blender.

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