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26 April 2024 15:00

Instead of drinking water straight away, this is a way to overcome the spiciness in your mouth using only 1 food ingredient

The spicy taste is caused by the activation of heat receptors in the mouth and tongue which respond to the capsaicin compound in chili peppers. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Brilio.net - A spicy sensation in the mouth is a common experience when you eat foods that contain the compound capsaicin, such as chilies. The spicy taste is caused by the activation of heat receptors in the mouth and tongue which respond to capsaicin. When capsaicin interacts with these receptors, the signals sent to the brain are interpreted as a heat or burning sensation.

The spicy sensation felt after consuming spicy food is often accompanied by a feeling of heat, sweating, and sometimes side effects such as a hot stomach or heartburn. Even though it feels uncomfortable for some people, many people like spicy food because it is considered more appetizing. Apart from that, as reported by health.com, eating spicy food also has health benefits, such as increasing metabolism and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, many people cannot stand the hot sensation produced when consuming spicy food. As a result, a number of people usually immediately drink lots of water to relieve the spicy taste. Even though drinking water directly doesn't always make the spicy taste subside, you know.

There are tricks that are more effective in dealing with the spiciness in the mouth caused by eating spicy food. This trick was shared by Instagram user @ummubalqishaura in one of the uploaded videos. Not with water or drinks, it turns out the spicy taste can be subsided by consuming one particular food ingredient.

How to deal with spiciness.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Thursday (25/4), the food ingredient in question is eggs. In the video, he admits to using prepared boiled eggs when consuming spicy food. So when the hot sensation starts to feel, you can immediately eat boiled eggs (without adding other spices) as usual.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

When eating spicy food, the capsaicin compound in the food can stimulate heat receptors in the mouth and tongue, causing an uncomfortable burning sensation. Well, boiled eggs have properties that can help bind the capsaicin compound, thereby reducing the burning sensation.

One substance that plays an important role in reducing the spicy taste is the casein protein in eggs. This protein can help bind the capsaicin compound which causes a spicy sensation in the mouth. By binding to capsaicin, this protein can help reduce the spicy sensation. Apart from that, the fat content in eggs also helps coat the tongue and mouth, thereby reducing the intensity of the spicy sensation.

Since it was uploaded on Monday (22/4), this video about tricks for dealing with spiciness in the mouth has been watched more than 33 thousand times. Who would have thought, many netizens admitted that they had just learned about this useful information. This was expressed directly through the comments column.

"Just found out, thanks for the info umm," said Instagram @lailiyah_ahmad.

"Spicy lovers must try these tips," said Instagram @kulinerbunda4.

"God, I just found out, umm, that I usually drink milk or hot water," explained Instagram @arny_ummu_ikmal.

Food ingredients that can reduce the spicy taste in the mouth.

Here are nine food ingredients that can help reduce the spicy taste in the mouth:

1. Milk.

Milk contains casein protein which can bind the compound capsaicin, helping reduce the spicy sensation.

2. Yogurt.

Like milk, yogurt also contains casein and fat which can help relieve the spicy sensation.

3. Ice cream.

Ice cream contains fat and sugar which can reduce the spicy sensation in the mouth.

4. Olive oil.

Olive oil contains fat which can help reduce the spicy sensation.

5. Honey.

Honey can help relieve the spicy sensation and provide a sweet taste.

6. Tomato paste.

The acid in tomato paste can help neutralize the spicy sensation.

7. Almonds.

Almonds contain fat and protein which can help relieve the spicy sensation.

8. Bread.

Bread or foods that contain carbohydrates can help absorb the capsaicin compound.

9. Potatoes.

Potatoes contain carbohydrates which can help relieve the spicy sensation in the mouth.

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