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16 Mei 2024 20:01

Instead of adding salt, this is how to fertilize chili trees so that the fruit becomes dense and lush with 1 kitchen spice

Chili stocks are safe until long ago. Shahfara Raida
Instead of adding salt, this is how to fertilize chili trees so that the fruit becomes dense and lush with 1 kitchen spice YouTube/M2-UTARA CHANNEL ; YouTube/Roni Jenggot

Brilio.net - The rise and fall of chili prices on the market is difficult to predict. In fact, it is not uncommon for the price of chilies to soar much higher than the previous price, so many people postpone buying chilies in order to save money. The solution to keep your chili stock safe at home is to plant your own trees, you know.

Chili trees can be planted in pots or directly in the yard. The process of planting chili trees is known to be quite easy . However, this tree is usually difficult to care for so that it is fertile and the fruit can grow in abundance. Not a few people experience crop failure because they don't know the tricks for fertilizing chili trees, you know.

So, for those of you who don't know the trick, you can use fertilizer from kitchen ingredients such as salt. Salt is known to contain a number of substances needed by chili trees so they can thrive. However, unlike YouTube account user Roni Jenggot, this man admits that he has other kitchen spices which he says are no less effective in fertilizing chili trees.

So, are you curious about the tricks for fertilizing chili trees by the man known as Roni?

Tricks for fertilizing chili trees so that the fruit becomes dense and lush with 1 kitchen spice.

First prepare a basin containing 1 liter of water used for washing rice. After that, dissolve 2 tablespoons of micin in the rice water. Yup, micin is the main kitchen spice for practicing tricks for fertilizing chili trees.

YouTube account owner Roni Jenggot explained that micin is good for plants because it contains high levels of potassium and sodium.

"Micin is very good for making fertilizer, it can be made into anything, from roots, stems, new shoots, even flowering and fruiting. It can even prevent the arrival of pests," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Roni Jenggot's YouTube on Thursday (16/5 ).

photo: YouTube/Roni Beard

It didn't stop there, Roni also added 1 tablet of ulcer medicine and 1 sachet of energy drink powder. These two ingredients are also said to increase plant fertility, you know. Next, stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed and transfer to a bottle.

photo: YouTube/Roni Beard

So, before use, this plant fertilizer mixture of rice water, micin, ulcer medication and energy drink powder can be mixed first with clean water. In comparison, every 1 liter of plant fertilizer mixture must be mixed with 10 liters of water. If so, immediately pour it into the planting medium or spray it on the stems and leaves of the chili tree.

photo: YouTube/Roni Beard

So, are you interested in trying tricks for fertilizing chili trees like this too or do you have other tricks? Take a peek at Roni Jenggot's YouTube upload, although it hasn't received many comments, this video has been watched more than 2,000 times, you know.

How often should you apply micin fertilizer to chilies?

Using micin (monosodium glutamate) as fertilizer for chili plants can provide additional benefits to the plants. But it should be used with caution to avoid potential negative effects on plants. Micin can provide nitrogen elements which are beneficial to plants. However, you need to pay attention to the frequency and amount of use so that it is not excessive.

1. Frequency.

Micin fertilizer should not be applied too often. It is best done once every 2 to 4 weeks. So, in one week it's best not to do it more than once.

2. Dosage.

Use micin in very small doses. This will help avoid an overdose that could damage the plant.

3. Application method.

Micin that has been dissolved can be poured directly into the soil around the roots of the chili plants. Make sure the plants have been watered beforehand to reduce the risk of too high a concentration in the roots.

Always monitor the condition of the plants after applying micin fertilizer. If there are signs of stress or negative changes, discontinue use and consult an experienced agriculturalist or gardener. Apart from that, continue to use organic fertilizer or balanced commercial fertilizer to ensure that chili plants get complete nutrition.

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