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19 Juni 2024 01:30

How to make grilled solo sausage, a market snack that makes you nagih

This typical Solo snack is usually filled with spiced meat. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@banususanto

Brilio.net - Solo sausage has a shape that is almost the same as rolled omelette. The difference is, this typical Solo snack is usually filled with spiced meat.

If solo sausages are usually fried, you can also process them by grilling, you know. Take a peek at how to make it, which BrilioFood reported on the Instagram account @banususanto.

photo: Instagram/@banususanto

- 500 gr minced chicken or beef
- 300 ml thin coconut milk
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce

Ground spices:
- 6 red onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 candlenuts
- 1 tbsp coriander
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp pepper
- Salt and stock powder to taste

Leather Material:
- 4 eggs
- 200 ml medium coconut milk
- 4 tablespoons wheat flour
- Pepper and salt to taste

Topical ingredients:
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 tbsp honey

- Enough grated cheddar cheese

How to make:
1. First, prepare the ingredients for the sausage filling, saute the ground spices with bay leaves until cooked, add the ground meat, stir-fry until the meat is cooked.
2. Add coconut milk, salt, stock powder, taste test. Cook until the coconut milk dries up, set aside.
3. In a container, add all the skin ingredients, make sure the mixture is not too thick.
4. Then grease a 12 cm piece of Teflon with cooking oil using a brush. Beat the sausage skin mixture thinly until cooked, remove from heat. Do it until the end.
5. Then put 2 tablespoons of sausage filling in the middle of the sausage skin pancake. Roll it up, cover it with flour mixture.
6. Place the solo sausages on a baking sheet. Brush the sausages with the spreading agent. Bake until the sausage is golden brown.
7. Remove from the oven, brush again with the spreading agent and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until the cheese is crispy and the sausage is browned.

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