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27 September 2024 14:00

How to cook white rice with less sugar without adding coconut oil

White rice, although filling, is high in starch which can increase blood sugar levels. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - White rice is one of the staple foods of Indonesian people. This source of carbohydrates can make the body full when consumed. Because it is economical and easy to get, many people choose to eat rice as a daily menu.

Although filling, rice is a food with high starch content. Reported from healthline.com, a cup of white rice contains 45 grams of carbohydrates which can produce 206 calories. Quite a lot, right?

The calories in this rice also come from rice water when the rice is cooked. According to research from the 249th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society reported by cen.acs.org, there are two types of starch found in rice, namely easily digested and difficult to digest. Starch that is difficult to digest tends to be high in fiber, so it is good for digestion. Conversely, starch that is too easily digested is converted into sugar, which will then be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, most of the starch in rice water tends to be easily digested. This is a major problem for people with diabetes because it can cause blood sugar spikes.

In addition to diabetics, dieters also tend to avoid white rice. High blood sugar levels will form fat, which causes weight gain. Therefore, many dieters replace healthier sources of carbohydrates.

To reduce the sugar content in white rice, some people usually add coconut oil when cooking rice. The addition of this ingredient is thought to be able to reduce the number of calories and carbohydrates that cause increased blood sugar. However, besides using this ingredient, there are other ways that can be done.

A YouTube user with an account named ABC once shared a tutorial on cooking rice to make it lower in sugar. In the uploaded video, he admitted that he did not use additional ingredients. However, there is a special way that needs to be done so that the rice is healthier.

As reported by BrilioFood on Thursday (26/9), the method used is to throw away the rice water. As reported by timesofindia.indiatimes.com, this rice water is high in sugar and contains simple carbohydrates. Therefore, the rice water must be thrown away to reduce the sugar content in the rice.

The method is also easy. First, wash the rice as usual. Then put it in the rice cooker and fill it with enough water. This amount of water can be measured with the joints of the fingers.

photo: YouTube/ABC

If so, cook as usual. In this process, you should pay attention until the rice cooker produces steam. If the condition is like that, open the rice cooker and lift the pan using a cloth (because it is hot). Now, throw away the rice water from the boiled rice while the rice is still not cooked.

photo: YouTube/ABC

After the rice water is drained, put it back into the rice cooker. Then add enough new water until the rice is submerged. No need for a finger-thick layer because the texture of the rice will be too soft. If so, close the rice cooker and continue the cooking process.

"By throwing away the rice water, it will reduce the sugar content in the rice," explained YouTube ABC.

photo: YouTube/ABC

After the rice is cooked, you can stir the rice. It is better to consume rice when it is cold so that the sugar content is lower and healthier to consume. Reported from sugarfit.com, cooled rice tends not to contribute to increased blood sugar.

photo: YouTube/ABC

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