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25 Oktober 2024 05:00

Effective tricks to get rid of rice weevils without bay leaves or limes

You can do it without drying it in the sun, as long as you use kitchen ingredients that fleas don't like. Brilio.net
Effective tricks to get rid of rice weevils without bay leaves or limes foto: YouTube/Sukarno karno

Brilio.net - When storing rice at home, sometimes weevils can appear. If the number is small, weevils can be removed by washing the rice several times while separating the weevils. However, if there are many weevils, removing them becomes more difficult.

If the weevils have damaged and contaminated the rice , it is better to throw the rice away. However, if the quality of the rice is still good, just remove the weevils. There are many ways to get rid of rice weevils that can be done at home. Usually, people dry the rice in direct sunlight.

However, without drying it can be done, as long as you use kitchen ingredients that the lice do not like. Generally, bay leaves or lime leaves are used. However, there are other ingredients that are also effective in eradicating rice lice. A netizen named Sukarno once shared his experience on how to repel rice lice with this one kitchen ingredient.

"Rice weevils can reduce the nutritional quality of rice and make it taste bland," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Sukarno Karno on Friday (25/10).

The ingredient that Sukarno usually used to repel rice weevils was chili. Reported from homestatepng.com, this method of repelling rice weevils using chili is also widely used by people in Japan. Chili is said to have a strong aroma that is hated by rice weevils.

"What we use are dried chilies. Before drying them, choose cayenne peppers that have a spicy aroma. Not green chilies or large curly chilies, they are less effective," added Sukarno.

photo: YouTube/Sukarno Karno

Sukarno also explained that cayenne pepper can be dried in a simple way. Namely, you can dry it in direct sunlight. In about two or three days, the cayenne pepper will dry and be ready to be used to repel rice weevils.

photo: YouTube/Sukarno Karno

Dried cayenne pepper can be directly inserted into the rice either at the bottom, middle, or top. Leave the lid of the rice storage container open for a while. Later, the rice weevils will come out by themselves and the rice will be clean again.

photo: YouTube/Sukarno Karno

Wow, the method is very simple, isn't it? From now on, no need to be confused anymore if the rice stock at home is infested with lice, you can immediately eradicate it using dried cayenne pepper. Peeking at the comments column on Sukarno Karno's YouTube upload, many netizens are enthusiastic about trying this method too. This upload has been watched up to eight thousand times.

"Oh, that's how to prevent it, boss," said YouTube Bang Pacok Cikarang.

"I just found out. Usually, I just dry rice that has weevils in it. Thanks for the info," said YouTube Emak Sumringa.

"It's even better to use kaffir lime leaves, the rice can last for 1 year without lice," explained YouTube YIEN YANKZ.

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