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3 Desember 2024 11:00

Effective trick to clean turmeric stains on blender blades with two kitchen ingredients

Turmeric often leaves yellow stains that are difficult to clean, especially on blender blades. Brilio.net
Effective trick to clean turmeric stains on blender blades with two kitchen ingredients foto: YouTube/Tomafery Cooking

Brilio.net - Turmeric is one of the spices often used in cooking such as gulai, curry, tongseng, chicken with pesmol seasoning, yellow rice, soto, and others. In addition, turmeric is also often used as an alternative medicine and herbal drink because it is rich in health benefits. According to nccih.nih.gov, turmeric contains active substances that are good for smoothing digestion, brightening the skin, preventing cancer, and more.

Before being used in cooking, turmeric usually has to be pureed first using a blender or chopper. However, turmeric often leaves yellow stains that are difficult to clean, especially on the blender blades.

The yellow color of turmeric comes from an active substance called curcumin. Although difficult, turmeric stains can still be cleaned. There are several ways to clean turmeric stains on blender blades, as shared by a netizen named Kiki. She revealed that only two kitchen ingredients are needed to clean it. So, how do you do it?

First, prepare a container to soak the blender blade. Then, fill it with salt and hot water. Don't forget to stir so that the salt dissolves with the water. Now, immediately soak the blender blade in it for approximately 40 minutes. After that, lift and rinse the blender blade.

"If there are still stubborn stains, add more salt and then clean with a sponge," said Kiki, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Bunda Kiki Channel on Tuesday (3/12).

When adding salt in this second cleaning process, there is no need to soak it in water. The method is, just sprinkle salt on the blender blade that still has turmeric stains. Then, rub it until the stains are gone. If it is completely clean, then wash the blender blade with soap and water as usual.

Reported from everythingbetter.in, salt can help remove turmeric stains on blender blades because this spice is abrasive or can produce an erosion process. In addition, salt can also absorb stubborn turmeric stains.

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kiki Channel

This method is also said to be applicable to blender containers. Simply put enough salt into the container, then fill it with hot water. Let it sit for 40 minutes, then rinse with soap and water. However, according to Kiki, the results are not 100 percent shiny, so you can experiment by adding other cleaning agents or increasing the soaking time so that the results are maximized.

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kiki Channel

So, are you interested in trying how to clean a blender using salt too? Looking at the upload on Bunda Kiki Channel's YouTube, there have been no comments from netizens. Even so, this video has received more than 700 viewers since it was shared in June 2023.

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