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12 Juni 2024 09:00

Don't rush to throw it away, here's a trick for almost stale chicken curry so that it becomes delicious again and safe to consume

Easy trick to save chicken curry that is almost stale. Ida Setyaningsih
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Chicken curry is one of the favorite foods of Indonesian people. The thick and savory type of sauce combined with chicken and spices makes anyone tempted to enjoy this dish.

Goulash does have a distinctive taste. The key is in the strong spices and thick coconut milk . Even though it is delicious, the presence of coconut milk certainly makes the chicken curry not last long and goes stale quickly.

Moreover, usually most people will cook chicken curry in large quantities. Cooked chicken curry cannot be finished in one meal. So that it doesn't go stale quickly, curry is usually stored in the refrigerator. Just when it is about to be served, the curry will be taken from the refrigerator to be reheated.

However, sometimes the results do not match expectations. Even though it has been heated, chicken curry will still taste stale and less enjoyable when eaten. Apart from that, sometimes curry that has been heated will make your stomach ache. This probably happened due to several factors, one of which was because the chicken curry was too much in the refrigerator.

Apart from that, quite a few people neglect to heat curry. Goulash that is not heated for too long will certainly have a sour taste.

Finding that curry is stale and cannot be enjoyed, in the end many people choose to just throw it away. If this is the case, it will certainly make expenses even more wasteful because of wasting food in vain.

Before that happens, you need to save the chicken curry at home so it doesn't go stale. The method is quite easy, you don't even need to add other kitchen spices.

This trick was shared by the owner of the YouTube channel Bundo Kanduang. He shared how to make chicken curry at home still delicious even if it has been served for hours.

The method is to reheat the cooked chicken curry. But it's not just heated, you have to use the right tricks when heating curry.

"Tips for cooking chicken curry so it doesn't go bad quickly," wrote the YouTube channel owner, quoted by BrilioFood , Tuesday (11/6).

photo: YouTube/Bundo Kanduang

First, prepare the chicken curry that you cooked a few hours ago. After that, heat the chicken curry every 8 hours. So that the chicken curry doesn't get slimy and smelly, use low heat. This is also to prevent the curry from burning and clumping.

It turns out, when reheating chicken curry, you also shouldn't leave the chicken curry alone. Wait for the chicken curry to be heated until it boils for maximum results.

photo: YouTube/Bundo Kanduang

Gently stir the chicken curry which is being heated so that the coconut milk doesn't break down and risk going stale. Stir slowly, if it boils, immediately turn off the stove.

In this way, chicken curry will be delicious again, especially if served with hot rice . You can also reheat it after 8 hours so that the chicken curry doesn't have a sour taste.

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