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13 April 2024 13:30

Don't just squeeze the salt, this is an effective way to get rid of the bitter taste of bitter melon using 2 kitchen ingredients

One of these kitchen ingredients has the property of being a destroyer or exterminating bitter taste in food ingredients, such as bitter melon. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

Brilio.net - Bitter melon or bitter melon , is known for its distinctive bitter taste. The bitter taste of bitter melon is caused by the presence of certain chemical compounds, such as momordicin, charantin, and goyaglycosides. These compounds give bitter melon a strong bitter taste, making it one type of vegetable that has the strongest taste among other vegetables.

Although some people may not like the bitter taste of bitter melon, this vegetable has various extraordinary health benefits. Bitter gourd contains many important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. Apart from that, bitter melon is also known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which can provide benefits for the body's health.

So, if you want to get the benefits of bitter melon but don't like the bitter taste, there are various ways you can do to get rid of the bitter taste, you know. One of the most common ways is to squeeze the bitter melon with salt until it is runny. After investigating, salt can help remove the sap that causes the bitter taste in bitter melon.

Unfortunately, in some cases, just squeezing it with salt doesn't really work to get rid of the bitter taste. If you want to be more effective, you can use the method used by the TikTok account user @trihartatiiii. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he used other methods so that the bitter taste was completely reduced or even disappeared.

"The bitter taste of bitter melon can be eliminated by up to 80%, you know," said TikTok @trihartatiiii quoted by BrilioFood , Saturday (13/4).

Well, there are a number of steps that must be carried out when processing bitter melon. First of all, choose bitter green which is bright green and has a thick pattern. This type of bitter melon usually has a bitter taste that is not too strong.

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

Next, slice or chop the bitter melon according to taste. Then put it in a container and add enough table salt. At this stage, squeeze the bitter melon using your hands until the water comes out. If so, rinse and wash thoroughly.

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

After kneading the salt, the bitter melon will be boiled with a number of ingredients. In a pan, boil water until it boils and add tamarind and salt to taste. When it boils, add the bitter melon that was crushed earlier. Then stir and boil until the water boils again. So, the boiled bitter melon can be immediately drained and washed again and then processed.

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

Well, basically tamarind contains citric acid, oxalic acid and tartaric acid which can give a strong sour taste. This sour taste can 'cover' or 'balance' the bitter taste of bitter melon, making it more palatable to consume. Apart from that, tamarind also has the property of being a destroyer or exterminating bitter taste in food ingredients, such as bitter melon.

On the other hand, adding salt can help activate certain taste receptors that can mask or reduce the perception of bitter taste. Apart from that, salt can also affect the taste cells on the tongue to reduce sensitivity to bitter tastes. This process is known as taste modulation, where one taste can influence the perception of another. In this case, salt can change the perception of the bitter taste of bitter melon so that it tastes more neutral or even sweeter.

How to store bitter melon so it lasts a month.

Bitter gourd can be used as a stock of fresh vegetables if stored properly. To store bitter melon so it lasts for a month, you can try the following methods:

1. Store in a plastic bag.

Place the bitter melon in a porous plastic bag or special bag for storing vegetables to maintain moisture and prevent rot.

2. Refrigeration.

Store bitter melon in the refrigerator to slow the spoilage process. Place it in a part of the refrigerator that is not too cold, such as in the vegetable drawer.

3. Do not wash before storing.

Avoid washing bitter melon before storing, as moisture can speed up spoilage. Wash the bitter gourd before use.

4. Cut into pieces.

If you want to reduce storage space, cut the bitter melon into smaller pieces before storing.

5. Avoid exposure to air.

Make sure the bitter melon is tightly closed in a container or plastic bag so that it is not exposed to direct air.

6. Use kitchen paper.

Place kitchen paper around the bitter melon in the container to absorb moisture and maintain its freshness.

7. Avoid storing it with fruit.

Fruits release ethylene gas which can speed up the ripening of bitter melon. Store bitter melon separately from fruit.

8. Check regularly.

Check the bitter melon regularly during storage and discard any rotten parts to prevent it spreading to other parts.

9. Use a vacuum bag.

If possible, use a vacuum bag to store bitter melon so it lasts longer.

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