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17 Mei 2024 20:00

Capital IDR 1,000, this is an easy way to repair a broken ladle so that it is whole again using just 1 kitchen spice

It's possible to buy a new dipper, but repairing something that can still be repaired with minimal capital is fine. Nadhifah
Capital IDR 1,000, this is an easy way to repair a broken ladle so that it is whole again using just 1 kitchen spice foto: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

Brilio.net - One tool that should not be absent in the bathroom is a dipper. If you don't have a dipper, you'll definitely have difficulty getting water from a tub or bucket, right? Replacing it with a bowl or other container is definitely not delicious.

However, a dipper that is used continuously is not free from problems. Not only does it look dirty and mossy, the dipper is also at risk of cracking or even breaking. If this happens, the water in the ladle will seep out.

Knowing this, a number of people immediately replaced the dipper with a new one. In fact, a dipper that has already broken can still be repaired, you know. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Amnaifa Channel. No need to worry, the way to fix it is also quite practical to imitate. Moreover, the materials used are easy to obtain and cheap on the pocket.

How to repair a broken dipper.

The materials that need to be prepared are duct tape and glue. Not to forget, he also relies on one kitchen spice, namely micin. So how do you do it?

First, patch the hole in the dipper using duct tape. Because its size is quite large, this netizen even attached two pieces of duct tape to the inside of the scoop.

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

When it has been patched, place the ladle upside down on the table. On the other hand, pour the micin into a plate or container. Because the amount used is small, you can buy 18 gram micin which is sold for around IDR 1,000.

"Then, we close the hole in the dipper using a micin, friends," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from the YouTube Amnaifa Channel on Friday (17/5).

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

Once it is completely covered, pour glue onto the patch of the dipper fragment. While the glue is still wet, add just a little micin to the dipper patch. Then flatten and press gently with your fingers.

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

Next, pour glue into the cracks on the surface of the dipper. Then let it sit for a few moments so that the glue and patch dry completely. Once dry, sand the dipper patch. Then wipe and clean the patch using a dry cloth.

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

After that, remove the duct tape attached to the inside of the scoop. That way, the dipper can be used straight away as usual. No need to worry, the patch from this micin is quite sturdy, you know. This was proven when netizens filled the ladle with water.

"Well, the bottom doesn't leak at all, yes," said the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

How to store micin so it lasts a long time and doesn't get watery.

Storing micin (monosodium glutamate/MSG) properly is important to maintain quality and prevent it from becoming damp or watery. Here are some tips for storing micin so that it lasts and doesn't get watery:

1. Use an airtight container.

Store micin in a clean and dry airtight container. Glass containers with rubber lids or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids are ideal for keeping moisture out.

2. Add silica gel.

Place the silica gel package in the micin storage container. Silica gel absorbs air moisture and helps keep the micin dry. Make sure the silica gel package does not come into direct contact with the micin.

3. Place in a dry and cool place.

Store micin in a cool and dry place. Avoid storing it near heat sources, such as a stove or oven, and keep it away from direct sunlight.

4. Use a dry spoon.

When taking micin, make sure to always use a dry spoon. Water or moisture from a wet spoon can cause the micin to become damp.

5. Avoid contact with water.

Don't leave the micin storage container open for too long. Immediately reseal the container after taking micin to reduce exposure to air and moisture.

By following the tips above, you can store micin better so that it remains durable, dry and not watery.

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