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10 Desember 2024 16:00

A quick way to mop the floor without soap so it's clean, dry and doesn't smell fishy using 1 kitchen ingredient.

Stains from footprints after traveling or spilled food and drinks can also stick. Brilio.net
A quick way to mop the floor without soap so it's clean, dry and doesn't smell fishy using 1 kitchen ingredient.

Brilio.net - Dust and sand often make the floor of the house dirty quickly . Stains from footprints after traveling or spilled food and drinks can also stick . Therefore, the floor needs to be cleaned immediately by mopping.

Usually, mopping is done with a cloth and special cleaning fluid. Mopping soaps available on the market offer various scents that make the floor smell good. However, mopping soaps are not always effective. If not used properly, the floor can become dull and slippery, even emitting an unpleasant odor.

This condition can be caused by a dirty mop or an inappropriate mixture of water and soap. To overcome this problem, many people turn to alternative cleaners, as done by YouTube user Zulaikha Pratiwy, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (9/12).

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

Instead of using soap, she uses kitchen ingredients to mop the floor. Although it looks simple, the results make the floor really clean, dry, and odor-free. According to a video from Zulaikha Pratiwy, the ingredient used is table vinegar. This vinegar is simply poured into a bucket, then dissolved with room temperature water and a little hot water. Make sure the water temperature tends to be warm, then stir well.

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

Before you start mopping, make sure the floor is free of dust by sweeping or using a vacuum cleaner. After that, put the mop in a bucket filled with vinegar solution. Before using, make sure the cloth is wrung dry to avoid water stains on the floor. Use the cloth to mop the floor until it is clean.

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

If there are stubborn stains, such as from paint or markers, scrub them first until clean. After mopping with vinegar solution, wipe the floor with another dry cloth. As a result, the floor will be cleaner, dry, and shiny, and free from unpleasant odors thanks to the use of vinegar.

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

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