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3 Oktober 2024 11:00

6 Ways to store galangal so it doesn't dry out and harden, stays fresh for up to 3 weeks

By implementing the right storage methods, you can ensure that the galangal stays fresh and ready to use at any time. Agustin Wahyuningsih
foto: Pixabay/Suanpa

Brilio.net - Galangal or laos is one of the spices often used in Indonesian cuisine and other Southeast Asian countries. With its distinctive aroma and slightly spicy taste, galangal is an important spice in various traditional dishes. However, like other fresh spices, galangal has a limited shelf life and can quickly dry out or harden if not stored properly.

Storing galangal properly will not only maintain its freshness, but also maintain the quality of the taste and aroma that will be added to the dish. In this article, we will discuss various aspects of galangal, starting from its nutritional content, its benefits in cooking and traditional medicine, to practical tips for storing galangal so that it stays fresh for a long time.

Nutrition and benefits of galangal.

Galangal or Alpinia galanga contains various important nutrients that are beneficial for health. Some of the nutritional content in galangal include:

1. Active compounds: galangal contains active compounds such as galangin, kaempferol, and quercetin which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Essential oils: The essential oil content in galangal provides a distinctive aroma and has antimicrobial properties.

3. Vitamins and minerals: galangal contains vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and potassium which are important for body health.

The benefits of galangal are not only limited to the culinary world, but are also used in traditional medicine for various health complaints:

1. Improves the immune system
2. Helps relieve digestive problems
3. Reduces inflammation and joint pain
4. Helps control blood sugar levels
5. Has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections.

In the culinary world, galangal is used for various purposes:

1. Cooking spices: Galangal is often used as a spice in dishes such as rendang, gulai, and various other soup dishes.

2. Natural preservative: The antimicrobial properties of galangal make it useful as a natural preservative in several types of foods.

3. Aroma enhancer: The distinctive aroma of galangal can enhance the taste of various dishes.

4. Herbal drink ingredients: galangal is often used in traditional herbal drinks to improve health.

How to store galangal so it doesn't dry out and harden.

To maintain the freshness of galangal and prevent it from drying out or hardening, here are some effective storage methods:

1. Storage in the refrigerator

- Clean the galangal from dirt and soil that sticks to it.
- Do not wash galangal if it is not going to be used immediately, because moisture can accelerate decay.
- Wrap the galangal in a paper towel or damp clean cloth.
- Put the wrapped galangal into a perforated plastic bag or a closed container that has ventilation.
- Store in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.
- With this method, galangal can stay fresh for up to 2-3 weeks.

2. Storage in water

- Cut the galangal into several pieces of suitable size.
- Put the galangal pieces into a container filled with clean water.
- Cover the container and store in the refrigerator.
- Change the water every 2-3 days to prevent bacterial growth.
- This method can maintain the freshness of galangal for up to 1-2 weeks.

3. Storage using the freezing method

- Clean and peel the galangal skin.
- Cut the galangal into thin slices or grate it.
- Place the sliced or grated galangal in a plastic bag or airtight container.
- Store in the freezer.
- Frozen galangal can last up to 6 months.

4. Storage in sand

- Prepare a container or box that is large enough.
- Fill the container with clean, dry sand.
- Plant the galangal rhizomes in the sand, making sure they do not touch each other.
- Store the container in a cool and dry place.
- This method is suitable for long-term storage and can maintain the freshness of galangal for up to several months.

5. Drying

- Clean and thinly slice the galangal.
- Dry the galangal slices in the sun or use a food dryer.
- Store dried galangal in an airtight container.
- Dried galangal can last up to 1 year if stored properly.

6. Preservation in oil

- Clean and thinly slice the galangal.
- Fry the galangal slices in hot oil until dry and crispy.
- Store the fried galangal in an airtight container along with the oil.
- This method can maintain the taste and aroma of galangal for up to several months.

Additional Tips:

- Always check the condition of the galangal before using it. Discard any damaged or moldy parts.
- If storing whole galangal, choose rhizomes that are firm and show no signs of damage.
- For long-term use, it is better to store galangal in sliced or grated form in the freezer.
- If using the water storage method, make sure all parts of the galangal are submerged to prevent rotting.

By implementing the right storage method, you can ensure that your galangal stays fresh and ready to use at any time. Not only will this save you time and money, but it will also ensure that you always have fresh herbs to enhance the flavors of your dishes. Choose the method that best suits your needs, and enjoy the deliciousness of galangal in your favorite dishes all year round.

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