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3 September 2024 15:00

6 Luna Maya's diet keeps her weight stable at 59 kg, eating instant noodles 3 times a year

Her efforts to maintain her weight and fitness have not only had an impact on her appearance. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - During her career in the entertainment world for dozens of years, maintaining an ideal weight has been Luna Maya's main focus. For Maxime Bouttier's lover, maintaining body shape is not only about achieving body goals, but also part of an effort to maintain overall health. By regulating her diet and exercising regularly, she not only tries to appear optimally in front of the camera, but also ensures that her body remains fit and healthy.

Having a fit and healthy body is very important for Luna Maya, especially so that she can do activities optimally at every opportunity. Therefore, her efforts in maintaining weight and fitness not only affect her appearance, but also her quality of life and performance in the entertainment industry.

Luna Maya's diet is fairly easy to follow. The Austrian celebrity chooses to avoid high-sugar foods and limit instant foods. She does everything to keep her weight stable between 58-59 kg.

So I know I want my weight to be limited to this. If it exceeds this number, reduce food tomorrow. "I want 57-58, but at night it's around 59 kg because I'm already full of food, right," he explained, quoted from Kemal Palevi's YouTube.

To control her weight, Luna Maya consistently maintains a healthy diet. She even limits her consumption of instant noodles, which she says do not contain nutrients.

Curious, what are Luna Maya's other diets like? Here BrilioFood reports from YouTube Kemal Palevi, Luna Maya's six diets that keep her weight stable on Tuesday (3/9).

1. Limit consumption of instant noodles.

photo: pexels.com/@Markus Winkler

Luna Maya admitted that she rarely eats instant noodles. According to her, consuming instant noodles is usually done as a form of appreciation when doing certain activities such as diving or after working all day. As quoted from healthline.com, instant noodles are often high in calories, sodium, and saturated fat, but low in fiber and essential nutrients. The additional calories from instant noodles can contribute to weight gain if not balanced with adequate physical activity.

"Like instant noodles, I give them 2 or 3 times a year," he said.

2. Reduce sweet foods.

Reported from medicalnewstoday.com, excessive consumption of sweet foods can affect the body's metabolism, increasing the risk of insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders that can cause body fat accumulation. Therefore, Luna Maya has reduced sweet foods. She deliberately replaced various sweet foods with fresh fruit.

3. Eat fruit.

Because she still loves dessert, Luna often chooses to eat various types of fruit. Reported from medicalnestoday.com, fruits are generally low in calories and high in fiber, which can help increase satiety and reduce the tendency to overeat. The fiber in fruit slows down the digestive process, which provides a longer feeling of fullness and reduces the desire to snack on high-calorie foods.

4. Drink lots of water.

photo: pexels/@pixabay

Luna Maya also always fulfills her body's fluid needs with water. According to information from hub.jhu.edu, water has various health benefits, such as suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism, burning fat, and cleansing the body. She even admitted that water has been her favorite drink since long ago.

"When I go to a cafe or store, the drink I take is water," he said.

5. Limit drinking soda water.

Although she often drinks water, Luna Maya occasionally still consumes soda water, although in small portions. In fact, according to her, she has never consumed a soda drink this year.

This can actually support Luna Maya's healthy diet. Because quoted from healthline.com, by reducing soda intake, a person can help maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the tendency to overeat, thus supporting efforts to keep the body thin.

6. Do not consume sweet drinks.

photo: pexels.com/@Chase T

Luna Maya also admitted that she no longer consumes sweet drinks. Even when she wants to consume iced tea, she prefers to make it herself at home because she can control the type and amount of sugar used.

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