- Indonesian founding father Soekarno was a political virtuoso known for his skills as an orator, which helped propel the nation to freedom. But fewknow that the first president of Indonesiawas alsoa painter.
A workcalledRini is proving to be one of the stars of theshow at the17/71 Goresan Juang Kemerdekaan exhibition, which is opens State Palace artwork to the public for the first time.
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The painting depicts a woman from one side. The lady in the painting has a slender figure and a beautiful face with a pointed nose. But her expression is rather cold, without a smile. A white flower sits tucked between the curls of an elegant bun and her ear. Like a typical Javanese woman, she wears a green kebaya with matching batik drapery, but no one knows who she really is.
Soekarno's Painting, Rini
2016 Wulandari
12 Amazing creations from 16 y/o body paint artist
Soekarno painted thewomanwith oil on canvas while he was on holidayin Bali in 1958.
The mysterious figurein the painting makes the artwork special. Dozens of curators and art critics havetriedto interpret the hidden meaning, with no success.
According to art critic Agus Dermawan, some people believe Sarinah, Soekarno's childhood nurse, is actually the woman in the painting. She was a woman he respected greatly, but no one has been ableto confirm this.
Aside from the lingering mystery, the 50 x 70-centimeter painting also showcase Soekarnos superb skills in art.
The technique (used to create this painting) was beyond average. Painting human anatomy from one side is never easy, and one remarkable part is her (the lady in the paintings) hands. (From the shading, we know that) she has olive skin, and painting lights and shadows like this are also tricky. From the color aspect, the green, brown, black and sepia mixed in harmony, said exhibition curator Mikke Susanto.
During his lifetime, Soekarno collected over 2,800 paintings. 28 of them are currently on show as part ofthePresidential Palace Artworks Exhibition at Galeri Nasionalin Gambir, Central Jakarta. The exhibition is open throughout August and is free of charge.
People are enjoying Presidential Palace's artwork collection
2016 Wulandari
The paintings are mostly derived from Soekarno's personal collection
2016 Wulandari