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31 Desember 2015 13:03

Welcome to the smarter era, 8 most awaited tech innovations in 2016

Everything is scheduled to have more ingenious system including gadgets and even transportation we use every day Tunggul Kumoro
Welcome to the smarter era, 8 most awaited tech innovations in 2016

Brilio.net/en - 2015 almost hits its end and the countdown for New Year has begun which means we could expect something new in 2016. People who are addicted to technology might consider the upcoming year as a smart era where everything is scheduled to have more ingenious system including gadgets and even transportation we use every day.

So, here is the list of technology innovation expected to appear in 2016 taken from siliconindia by brilio.net/en, Tuesday (28/12).

1. Google Project ARA

The Project ARA smartphone is a modular Smartphone allowing users to change the physical component inside the device without removing all the screws.

By only sliding the component, users could get the part they want on their device. For example, replacing the existing camera module with 16MP camera module.

The project was firstly initiated by Google and Motorola before finally some other big players like Toshiba, Quanta, Linux Solutions joined the development.

2. Driverless Car

The concept probably came from Google with their Google Car focusing on creating the safe environment for other drivers and pedestrians. However, in this year, Apple and two major car manufacturers, BMW and Mercedes also announced their version of driverless car followed by the taxi firm, Uber to reduce the accidents taking place in a daily basis.

3. Lenovo Smart Cast Smartphone

The upcoming year might be the realization of the long-awaited Smart Cast or projector keyboard. Lenovo finally proceed to the further steps after none of the Smartphone manufacturers thought of integrating this technology into their product.

Some leaks have also been given by Lenovo for their upcoming product integrating with Smart Cast technology.

4. Smart Lens

Averting the similar mistake by Google with its Google Glass, this time Microsoft tried to design a more usable version of it with their Smart Lens. In a form of HoloLens, this lens has a function like a virtual reality headset surely with upgraded features and standards.

5. Sixth Sense

Firstly introduced in the TED talks show, the Sixth Sense is a device capable of giving a unique way of interacting with Smart gadgets by displaying projected images controllable by simple gestures. Yes, this would be pretty similar to what youve seen on the Ironman movies.

6. Google Project Soli

Google Project Soli adopts a radar technology to enable advanced types of touchless interactions. By doing so, the human hand turns into a natural and intuitive interface for the devices since this gadget is also capable of tracking sub-millimeter motions at high speeds and accuracy.

7. A Type of Wireless Internet

A professor from the University of Edinburg, named Harold Hass lately has come up with striking idea and innovation which is utilizing light rays to redeem internet signal.

Recently, an Estonian Company, Velmenni performed a real-world test to the improved version of wireless internet, called Li-Fi where it is estimated to be 100 faster than conventional Wi-Fi. The result is this Li-Fi thing was able to transfer data between devices at 1 Gbps which means the fastest wireless internet mankind ever observed.

8. Jet Pack

A Dubai based firm lately posted a video on YouTube showing 2 stuntmen flying with a jet pack adjacent to a Dubais commercial plane. At the end of the video, the two jetmen tried to catch up with the speed of the plane where previously thought to be impossible.

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