- Having a perfect appearance is most people's dream. It's not surprising that many celebrities are willing to undergo various beauty treatments. Such as implants, fillers, thread implants, white injections, and even plastic surgery. They are even willing to spend hundreds of millions to perfect their appearance.
Unfortunately, there are a number of celebrities who failed or experienced side effects from the treatment they underwent. Even though it has been done according to the procedure, in fact not everyone gets the results they want. Some even experience changes in facial shape and experience serious illnesses.
Like the 11 celebrities who have been victims of the following side effects of beauty treatments, which has summarized from various sources, Monday (11/3).
1. Through her personal Instagram account, Angela Lee once said that she regretted having nose surgery by installing implants. But unfortunately, the implant in his nose broke and almost penetrated the skin. Because of this, he had to undergo re-operation to correct the shape of his nose.
photo: Instagram/@angelalee87
2. A well-known Indonesian DJ, Bebby Fey once admitted that she experienced something terrible after nose surgery. This condition is almost the same as Angela Lee, where her nose implant burst.
photo: Instagram/@bebby_fey
3. Ivan Gunawan also experienced something unpleasant after wearing a thread on his nose. Ivan conveyed this via a private television program. He admitted that he was fed up with what his friends were talking about about one of the beauty doctors. After undergoing this treatment, his nose became infected and rotted.
photo: Instagram/@ivan_gunawan
4. Permesta Dhyaz, the daughter of YouTuber Farida Nurhan, also underwent plastic surgery on her nose. However, the surgery failed because Dhyas' nose had an infection which required him to seek treatment and undergo re-operation.
photo: Instagram/@permestadhyaz
5. Singer Via Vallen once had liposuction on his cheeks because netizens often commented on him being fat. However, this actually made his face swell and make him look fatter.
photo: Instagram/@viavallen
6. Mpok Atiek tries to look beautiful by injecting silicone into her face to make her skin look firmer. This made him addicted to the treatment. Until finally it causes bad effects of use, namely swelling in the area of the face where the silicone is injected.
photo: Special
7. Barbie Kumalasari once had lip embroidery done which made her lips look very swollen. He continued to cover his face with a mask until the swelling disappeared.
photo: Instagram/@barbiekumalasari
8. Jessica Iskandar has undergone Ulthera treatment to prevent signs of aging on her face. However, he actually experienced a red rash on his face due to the anesthesia. This made Jedar have to rest and not be allowed to wear makeup and not be exposed to sunlight for some time.
photo: Instagram/@inijedar
9. Cita Citata recently said that she experienced serious side effects after frequently having white injections. This dancer admitted that this action actually caused him to suffer from an autoimmune disease.
photo: Instagram/@cita_rahayu
10. Singer Brisia Jodie has also experienced side effects from beauty treatments. She revealed that she underwent treatment at a beauty clinic to beautify her face. However, red spots appeared which took a long time to disappear after treatment at the clinic. He also admitted that he had given up on doing it again.
photo: Instagram/@brisiajodie96
11. Dewi Perssik's niece, Rosa Meldianti, also shared an unpleasant story via her Instagram story. He admitted that he had undergone thread implant treatment, but the threads on his face actually came out through the skin. That's why he had to remove the thread on his face.
photo: Instagram/@rosameldianti_