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15 Mei 2024 18:43

The figure of Fahad Haydra, the young actor who plays Egy, the mastermind behind the murder in the film Vina: Before 7 Days

This guy of Arab descent played in the popular soap opera Dari SMP Window as Felix. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: Instagram/@fahadhaydra

Brilio.net - The film Vina: Before 7 Days went viral recently. Director Anggy Umbara's work is based on the true story of the murder case of a student named Vina in Cirebon Regency. Even though the film has been broadcast, the case is still not resolved.

On Monday (14/5), the West Java Regional Police just released a DPO that Vina's killer has not been found. Of the 11 perpetrators, 3 of them are currently still being searched for. One of them is Egy, who is suspected of being the main perpetrator in the murder.

photo: Instagram/@fahadhaydra

In the film Vina: Before 7 Days, the character Egy is played by Fahad Haydra. His name also became a topic of conversation because he played the villain in the film. Of course this is not an easy role for him.

Judging from his name, Fahad is a man of Arab descent. The youngest of 4 siblings also admitted that his mother and father both have Arab blood.

The owner's full name is Muhammad Fahad Haydra, who was born on September 24 2001. The boy nicknamed Fahad graduated from SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta in 2020. After that, he continued his education at a state university.

photo: Instagram/@fahadhaydra

Until now, Fahad is still studying at the National Development University (UPN) Veteran Jakarta majoring in International Relations. He took this major because he had been interested in it since he was in junior high school.

Fahad's name first emerged in public after he uploaded a dance cover on his TikTok account @fahadhaydra. After the first video went viral, he has created content with a similar concept several times until now. Fahad already has 135,500 followers and 2.9 million likes on his account.

As his popularity on TikTok spread to his other accounts as well. Fahad's Instagram was also invaded by new followers, so he regularly uploads his photos on the platform.

His interest in the entertainment world made Fahad decide to join Baetz Management. He then took part in a series of castings and managed to get a role in the popular soap opera Dari Window SMP as Felix.

photo: Instagram/@fahadhaydra

He continues to try to increase his flying hours in the film industry. After that, Fahad was believed to be one of the actors in the film Jin & Jun as Rafi. This is the first film in his career as an actor.

After that, Fahad was finally asked to be the main actor in the film entitled Smile Manies Love Story. The film tells the love story and young life of one of the presidential candidates contesting in the 2024 election, Anies Baswedan. In this film, Fahad is believed to play the role of the former Governor of Jakarta.

photo: Instagram/@fahadhaydra

His flying hours as an actor are now increasing after playing in the film Vina: Before 7 Days. Even though he is not the main actor, the figure Egy he plays is an important character in the film. Because Egy was the mastermind behind Vina's murder.

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