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14 Desember 2016 10:21

Father Buys Phone With Rp 2,000 Notes After Son Refused To Go To Class

His son had threatened to stop attending school without his own phone. Nafilah
Father Buys Phone With Rp 2,000 Notes After Son Refused To Go To Class

Brilio.net/en - A story of a father from Medan went viral after someone saw him buy a phone for his son with a pile of Rp2,000 notes. According to the post by Meme & Rage Comic Indonesia, the father's son had refused to go to school before he had a phone to carry with him.

"To let you guys know, it's so sad. I want to cry just seeing this. This father willingly walked a few miles just to get an Android phone for his son," they wrote.

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"It was even more surprising when he pulled out the Rp2,000 notes from a plastic bag. Really irks me to hear his story, he said his son threatened to stop going to school if he doesn't get a phone. What a mean son.

"He is still in junior high but how can he behave like that? What was he thinking? He'd gone too far, not thinking of his parents, not thinking of what his parents do. He's lucky just to be able to go to school, but he asked for more."

The poster said the father did not answer when asked what it is he did for a living.

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"Can't imagine how long he collected such money," the post said.

The father and his Rp2,000 banknotes

The money he had saved up to buy his son a phone

Staff at the phone shop counting his payment

The post received plenty of response on Facebook.

"God, may You grant him a health, long life, and good fortune sohe can raise his "rude" son and becomes a successful person #respect sir," wrote Khaliq Erikk.

"Maybe it's better for schools to prohibit their students to bring phones to class, to avoid jealousy," said Nuraeni Ai.

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