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30 Mei 2024 12:22

Not using his real name, revealed the reason Reza Arap dropped 'Muhammad' from his name

The decision is based on consultation with an ustaz. Ferra Listianti
Not using his real name, revealed the reason Reza Arap dropped 'Muhammad' from his name

Brilio.net - Reza Arap , a gamer and musician who is part of the Weird Genius music group, is known for his eccentric appearance which shows the tattoos on his body. Behind his appearance as a bad boy is what makes Reza Arap reluctant to use his real name.

Not many people know that Reza's first name is Muhammad. Reza Arap's mother explained the reason her son used the name Muhammad, which is no longer used. It was revealed that the name Muhammad was given according to the recommendation of one of the ustaz because as a child Reza Arap was often sick.

photo: YouTube/CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo

"His name is Muhammad Reza Oktovian. Why is there a Muhammad? Actually his name is Reza Oktovian, because he was often sick before, Mama once went to the ustaz, so Muhammad had to give his name in front of him," said his mother, quoted from YouTube Denny Sumargo, Thursday (30 /5).

The mother also followed the advice of one of the ustaz. Sure enough, after being given the name Muhammad in front of him, Reza no longer often got sick.

"So because he was sick, Muhammad was added in the front. So he was good, he was healthy. Before he became famous, he didn't use it," said Reza's mother.

However, after becoming famous, Reza Arap chose to no longer use the name Muhammad. Wendy Walters' ex-husband has his own reasons. He felt inappropriate, considering that he went to Christian school even though his education at home was Islamic.

photo: Instagram/@ybrap

"For me, as simple as I am, I feel like I don't deserve the name Muhammad. Look, I went to a Christian school from a young age, but my education was in a Muslim family," continued Reza Arap.

For Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad is a great figure. Reza also agrees with this. Therefore, he felt that the noble name Muhammad was not worthy of being attached to him.

"And for me, Muhammad is a great great name, a great person, and what I think should not be in me who is like this (full of tattoos) is that I just live like this," concluded Reza.

Reza Arap also explained to his mother why he no longer uses the name Muhammad. The mother agreed with her son's choice. Reza finally decided to remove the name Muhammad from his first name.

"Yes, that's right (it doesn't feel appropriate), yes, it's as simple as that. I also told my mother why I was like this and that's it," concluded Reza Arap.

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