- Coughing is a natural condition for the body when it expels foreign objects such as viruses, germs, dust, irritating substances that enter the respiratory tract. Even though it's trivial, coughing certainly interferes with daily activities. Especially if it happens continuously, you should be alert. It could be a symptom of an illness.
If you have a cough, it will generally go away on its own within 1-2 weeks. However, rather than waiting a long time, it is best to address it immediately so as not to cause protracted disruption. Most people probably immediately look for the medicine recommended by the doctor. However, you can cure a cough even without medicine, you know.
The method is quite simple and can be done at any time. For example, keeping the house or room clean, using herbs, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To find out more, let's look at the reviews summarized by from various sources, Thursday (11/7).
How to relieve a cough quickly.
how to relieve coughing and how to prevent it
2024 sources
Adapting from the Medical News Today and Gleneagles Hospital Singapore pages, there are several natural methods that can be used to relieve coughs, including:
1. Maintain air humidity and cleanliness.
Poor air quality is often a factor in causing someone to cough. How could it not be, dry and dirty air can trigger allergic rhinitis. To maintain humidity and cleanliness in the air, you can use a humidifier to keep the room humid. This tool also clears air circulation from dust particles, dirt and germs that cause coughs.
2. Sleep regularly.
When the body is fighting a viral disease, it is best to give it time to rest. Minimum 8-9 hours every night. Sufficient rest time can optimize the body's immune system process, in fighting viruses and bacteria that cause coughing up phlegm.
To prevent phlegm from forming in your throat, you should sleep with your head elevated, using an additional pillow. But remember, don't pile the pillows too much because it can cause neck pain.
3. Gargle with salt water.
The next way is to gargle with salt water. You can prepare warm water then add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, then gargle three times a day. Gargling with salt water is believed to be able to effectively loosen phlegm lumps in the back of the throat.
Not only that, it turns out that this salt water is also effective in cleaning bacteria in the mouth and throat, thereby speeding up the healing process for the cough with phlegm that you are experiencing.
4. Drink honey water.
Quoting from the Medical News Today page, in research in 2021, researchers found the effectiveness of honey in treating coughs in respiratory tract infections. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is effective in relieving the itchy feeling in the throat caused by phlegm clots.
It's not surprising that honey is often used as a natural medicine to relieve coughs. How to consume it is also easy, you can drink it directly or dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in warm water. You can drink it every night before bed.
5. Drink herbal tea.
The next way to relieve a cough is by drinking herbal tea. Herbal teas such as thyme, camomile, peppermint and cinnamon are useful for relieving coughs. This herbal tea is effective in soothing the throat and reducing the cough reflex. The warmth of tea can stimulate saliva production, thereby reducing dryness and irritation in the throat.
6. Take a warm bath or shower.
Even though it's trivial, bathing in warm water is effective in relieving coughs. The reason is that the steam from warm water is able to thin phlegm and soothe the throat. Taking a warm bath makes the body more relaxed and relieves pain caused by coughing.
7. Drink lots of water.
The next step you can try when you have a cough is to drink lots of warm water. Warm water can thin the phlegm stuck in the back of the throat. As a result, if it is runny it is easier to expel, and reduces the cough reflex which irritates the throat.
Not only is it effective in relieving coughs, if you drink warm water your body will automatically be filled with fluids. The effect is that the immune system increases, thereby avoiding the risk of dehydration. The cough healing process is faster.
8. Drink boiled ginger water.
Ginger is believed to relieve coughs naturally. This is because ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral properties and contains pain relievers or analgesics which are good for the body.
To treat coughs using ginger, simply clean it and then brew the ginger with warm water, tea or milk. Another option, you can boil ginger with lemongrass and then strain. You can add a little honey to make it taste sweeter.
This warm sensation can thin the phlegm in the respiratory tract and relax tense throat muscles. The pain in the throat reduces and speeds up the healing process.
How to prevent coughing.
how to relieve coughing and how to prevent it
2024 sources
1. Wash your hands regularly or regularly use hand sanitizer. This activity can help reduce the transmission of germs or bacteria, which cause infections in the respiratory tract such as coughing.
2. Use a mask when doing activities outside so that you are not easily exposed to air pollution, dirt or dust.
3. Consuming vitamin C through fruit, vegetables and capsules has a good impact on the body, because it improves the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells.
4. Reduce consumption of foods that are high in fat and fried. Fried foods can also increase stomach acid which triggers narrowing of the airways, causing coughing.
5. Avoid smoking. The chemicals in cigarettes irritate the sensory nerves that line the throat and lungs. These nerves then send signals to the respiratory tract, making you cough.