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20 Juni 2016 16:33

Marvel and Cartoon Network theme park will be in Dubai soon!

You will soon get the opportunity to ‘meet and greet’ your favorite cartoon and marvel characters all in one spot! Sahil Nathani
Marvel and Cartoon Network theme park will be in Dubai soon!

Brilio.net/en - Did you grow up watching Cartoon Network and idolizing Marvel figures? If thats a YES, then the good news is that you could re-live those exciting moments all over again. Thats because a Marvel, Cartoon Network-based theme park is coming soon to Dubai, on August 15th to be exact.

The theme park will be known as IMG Worlds of Adventure Park. There will be two main sections, one for Marvel Comics and the other for Cartoon Network. In addition to that, there are also some exciting adventures that you can be a part of- from witnessing some cool dinosaurs to screaming away as the roller coaster takes you on the ride of your life!

Fall back into childhood at a Cuddle puddle party

Are you already all excited that you just want to pack your bags and leave? Hold your horses; youve only got about two more months to wait before coming face-to-face with Spiderman, the PowerPuff Girls and many more of your childhood heroes! Who will you dress as?

Source: The Jakarta Post

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