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11 April 2024 10:45

Doormat seller becomes skincare boss, 11 portraits of Shandy Purnamasari and Gilang from their relationship until now

We dated for 4 months before finally deciding to get married Syeny Wulandari
Doormat seller becomes skincare boss, 11 portraits of Shandy Purnamasari and Gilang from their relationship until now

Brilio.net - Shandy Purnamasari and her husband, Gilang Widya Permana Juragan99, are a couple nicknamed Crazy Rich Malang. Both are successful entrepreneurs, Gilang is the owner of Juragan 99 Trans, while Shandy manages the MS Glow beauty business.

When you hear the term 'Crazy Rich', many people may think that the wealth they obtain is inherited from their parents. However, this does not apply to this couple.

To reach the comfortable point they are in now, Shandy and Gilang have struggled and even experienced many difficulties in the past. Since the past, Shandy Purnamasari and Gilang have been involved in the business world. They have run several small businesses, one of which is selling doormats.

Some of the old portraits that have been uploaded seem to be clear evidence of Shandy-Gilang's life journey which has not been easy. Until now, the two of them have become a rich couple with a turnover of billions.

The following is a portrait of Shandy Purnamasari and Gilang Juragan99 from dating to marriage, summarized by brilio.net from various sources, on Thursday (11/4).

1. Before becoming crazy rich, the couple who met at school experienced the bitterness of a difficult life.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

ib: Shandy and Gilang from dating

2. When he was still in college, Gilang had a motorbike washing business of five thousand which he ran himself.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

3. Gilang, who has worked hard since he was at school, has succeeded in capturing Shandy's heart.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

4. After getting to know each other, the two decided to date.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

5. The "sat set sat set" couple, Gilang then proposed to Shandy and the two of them got married after 4 months of dating.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

6. The two of them officially married on February 7 2013. Their wedding was simple.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

7. After getting married, Gilang and Shandy lived a very simple household life.

photo: Instagram/@shandypurnamasari

8. They depend on the business of washing motorbikes and selling doormats with a small turnover, so they have to live on a tight budget for daily food.

photo: Instagram/@shandypurnamasari

9. Shandy has faithfully accompanied him from the bottom until he achieved his current success.

photo: Instagram/@shandypurnamasari

10. Starting by opening an office in their garage, the two of them became known as entrepreneurs with a number of businesses ranging from beauty to transportation.

photo: Instagram/@juragan_99

11. They have tasted the bitterness and sweetness of life. This ultimately makes Gilang and Shandy have a high social spirit to share with others.

photo: Instagram/@shandypurnamasari

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