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7 Maret 2024 18:19

Allegedly divorced, Keenan Pearce uploaded a photo with his new lover accompanied by saying goodbye to his wife

Keenan Pearce also uploaded several photos of a woman named Serena and called her the queen. Ferra Listianti
Allegedly divorced, Keenan Pearce uploaded a photo with his new lover accompanied by saying goodbye to his wife

Brilio.net - Keenan Pearce's marriage to Gianni Fajri, which had never been heard of before, suddenly became the focus of netizens. This is because Pevita Pearce's older brother uploaded an intimate photo with a woman who is not his wife. The post seemed to give a signal that Keenan Pearce was divorced from his wife.

This speculation is further strengthened by the caption of his upload. In the caption, Keenan says goodbye to his wife, whom he calls Ghyan. Also wrote a greeting to a woman named Serene and expressed that love had won.

photo: Instagram/@keenanpearce

" Thank you Gyan, hello Serene. Today, love wins (Thank you Gyan. Hello Serene. Today, love wins), " said Keenan accompanying his upload, quoted by brilio.net from his personal Instagram account, Thursday (7/3).

Not only uploading intimate photos of the two of them on his personal account feed page, Keenan also uploaded several photos of Serene on his Instagram Stories. This 33 year old man also called this beautiful woman the queen. Netizens immediately discussed this post. Many people suspect that Keenan has been divorced from his wife for a long time .

photo: Instagram/@keenanpearce

Netizens' suspicions increased when Keenan Pearce deleted his upload of a portrait together with Ghyan, as well as a portrait of his child that had been shown on social media. He also no longer follows his wife's Instagram account @ghyan. Likewise, Pevita Pearce uploaded a moment with Keenan's child without Ghyan being visible.

Even though he deactivated the comments column, Keenan Pearce's upload was still widely discussed, even on platform X (which was formerly Twitter) and TikTok. Many have questioned the status of Keenan's marriage to Ghyan, who has two children.

photo: Instagram/@keenanpearce

" Oh, are you separated yet? " asked Akun@ninimi Hairani.

" What's wrong with Keenan Pearce and his wife Gyhan? How come Keenan uploaded a photo with another girl, " added the account @RonaNavillera.

" I'm also surprised that the caption is like that, the comments column is also turned off, " said the account @Guminduth.

As is known, Keenan Pearce, who recently dated Gianni Fajri, got married in 2018. With the woman who is known as a director, writer and editor, they were blessed with 2 children, a boy and a girl.

photo: Instagram/@keenanpearce

Prior to Gianni Fajri, Keenan had a romantic relationship with singer Raisa. Unfortunately, the relationship that has existed for so long has to run aground in the middle of the road. Raisa has now developed a domestic relationship with Hamish Daud and is blessed with 1 daughter.

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