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17 April 2016 10:08

5 Worst places on Earth to get sick and be hospitalized

Some popular destinations surprisingly don’t have the proper healthcare systems and this is why you should be cautious when visiting any of them. Retno Wulandari
5 Worst places on Earth to get sick and be hospitalized © Shutterstock

Brilio.net/en - Travelling abroad can be an incredibly fulfilling experience. But if you plan to stay for a few days or weeks in a particular country, one thing to keep in mind is the healthcare system in every country is different, and not all of them are up to the standards of the West or the developed countries of Asia.

Conflicted countries such as Iraq, Syria and North Korea have inadequate healthcare systems thanks to years-long war and poverty, but those countries seem to be at the bottom of the tourists list anyway.

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But some popular destinations surprisingly dont have the proper healthcare systems as well, and this is why you should, in fact, be cautious when visiting any of them. At least, be sure that youre in a perfect condition and bring your regular medications and vitamins with you.

Here are five worst places in the world to get sick:

1. Mexico

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Montezumas revenge or travellers diarrhea may occur if you carelessly eat contaminated food or drink the tap water in Mexico or other developing nations. In fact, unlike in most of the developed western countries, you cant just drink the tap water in the most of developing nations.

When the disease strikes, you will find yourself laid up for about three to five days, going to the bathroom frequently. As much as 30% - 50% tourist in tropical destinations like Mexico will get this disease, so its critical to be prepared.

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Same thing happen in other popular destination such as Bali, known as Bali Belly. Remember to bring a bottled water everywhere you go.

2. China

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This is an interesting case, actually. Healthcare systems in big cities like Beijing and Nanjing is pretty adequate, but the western parts of the countries havent met the standards yet. If you travel into the inland, things start to get tricky. Hospitals arent quite sterile, and the most horrific fact is doctors and nurses wont hesitate to reuse needles. This should be particularly concerning, considering the fact that HIV has made inroads into the Chinese population.

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When you dont have any better choice besides going to the local hospital, make yourself clear that you wont accept any unsanitary practices such as reused needles. The paramedics might undoubtedly grouse afterwards about the arrogant, whiny foreigner, but if the choice is between hurting someone elses feelings or risking a deadly disease, the decision is already made.

3. India

Image byVal Shevchenko

India has many healthcare problems which also occur in Mexico and China. Good healthcare facilities can only be found in major cities, and the quality is deteriorating as you go deeper to the interior. In this country, tap water isn't drinkable and its advised to purify water and foods before consumption.

India is particularly known for having problems with malaria. Even though this disease has been all but eradicated in the Western world, about 40,000 Indians die from the disease every year. The disease can be found throughout all of the non-mountainous regions of India, and its even worse in East India around the area of Kolkata.

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If you happen to travel to India, its suggested to get preventative medicine for malaria, in addition to vaccinations for typhoid fever, Hepatitis A and B, and maybe even yellow fever if youre passing through a country with a risk of that disease. The preparation should take place four to six weeks before departing.

4. Morocco

ImagebyGenevieve Hathaway

In most countries of the Middle East, theres more to being healthy than just eating the right foods and preventing diseases. Youll have to avoid heatstroke, especially if your holiday is in the summer. In Morocco, youll have to put more concerns with the inconsistent level of health care youre likely to receive.

Especially when youre not used to the heat and humidity, you have to drink more and more water. Always have a big bottle of purified water anytime you hit the beautiful beaches or the rich culture of Morocco.

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Foreigners have reported that healthcare facilities outside the major cities are basic. Its better to have a private insurance when visiting this North African country and make sure it covers emergency evacuation and repatriation. When you end up needing medical care, make sure you read the fine print of any hospital forms before you sign them. Its not a secret that some of medical workers would charge significantly higher to tourists and hospital negligence continues to be a problem.

5. Abroad a cruise ship

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The cruise ships interior might be far more luxurious than a village in the Chinese interior, but such luxury can pose opposite health problems. Eating too much good food in a hurry, combined with the roiling of a ship can lead to nausea, seasickness, and a cruise where you end up spending way too much time in the bathroom.

Moderation is the key to staying healthy. Make sure you eat in moderation, get exercise by walking on the deck whenever possible, and dont drink too much. That way, you can enjoy your vacation without ending up with a vicious headache or nausea.

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Travelling abroad might be challenging, and you wont know whats waiting on the next bend But that doesnt mean that you should stay home all the time in fear of diarrhea. You have to take the risk, but with adequate health and safety measures, you can gain the experience of a lifetime with ease.

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