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12 Februari 2016 12:00

11 Tips to survive a solo traveling for females

Walking on the safe side is the key to survive a solo traveling Retno Wulandari
11 Tips to survive a solo traveling for females © Jetsetera.net

Brilio.net/en - Traveling solo can be very exciting yet somewhat challenging, especially for females. While you enjoy adrenaline rush, you still have to do adequate research, planning and utilize common sense, to make the sky your limit.

As you will be seen as more approachable than a couple or a group, meeting more people is one of the benefits of traveling solo. You may go wherever you like, do whatever your instinct calls you to do, and see many things you fancy. Without travel buddies, your steps are infinite. Since you only can depend on yourself, you have to be more confident and self-reliant.

Especially for females, walking on the safe side is the key to survive solo traveling. It doesnt mean that you have to limit chance to have the experience, need to be more cautious. Courtesy of Work the World, to ensure that youll have a great time while enjoying a fulfilling experience.

1. Be paranoid


Not that mental dissorder paranoia, just make sure that you are aware of what is going on around you. The view may be stunning, but dont stand lost in yout thought. Act like youre totally confident and listen to your instinct. If something doesnt feel right, it probably is. Oh, you better have a pepper spray on hand.

2. Arrive during the day


Going to a new place may be confusing, and you dont want to be trapped in confusion at night, when the help desks are closed and most transportations are shut down.

3. Be suspicious on drinks
Only drink those you buy by yourself. Dont leave your drink unattended, and dont get drunk when youre on your own.

4. Have copy documents and phone numbers
Make multiple copies of your ID cards, passport, and other travel documents while traveling solo. Put emergency contacts and spouse/parents phone numbers in smartphone, as well as in a piece of paper. This will be useful should something happen and people who help you need to contact someone.

5. Be cautious of your attire


Even if you go to the western contries where people free to wear anything they want, as a foreigner, you have to be cautious of your attire. Wearing inviting clothes/dress may attract unwanted attention, or even worse that that. Oh, and forget about high heels. Theyre not your friend while traveling solo.

6. Sit next to women
Stay close to women, especially locals, when waiting for the bus or inside the train. If you have to ask for direction or something else, do ask to women as well. So, forget the scenario of asking time or direction to be acquainted with that handsome lad sitting in the corner.

7. Secure your money
Your money is your lifeline. A money belt will keeps pickpockets away. Otherwise, consider to use a dummy wallet to secure your original money wallet. Remember, not to put all the money in one place.

8. Mind your belongings

Image: asunow

Keep your handbag on your lap when sitting down. Make sure you carry it in right way while walking. In a cafe or restaurant, loop the bag strap around chair and put it under your surveillance. Avoid putting bags behind you or under the table, or in any unseen place.

9. Mind your hotels accessibility


Saving your travel budget is important, but your safety is the utmost important. Avoid hotels in secluded alleys or away from transportation facilities. If possible, pick room near hotel receptionist or next to lift/stairs.

10. Enjoy nightlife in group
For safety sake, you may have to go out at night in group; maybe those who stay at the same hostel. Buddy up and decide a common meeting place should you got lost. Avoid quiet or desolate places.

11. Leave most of the blings at home


Leave your expensive jewelry at home. A watch and a ring will be enough for you during solo traveling. Wear your wedding ring, or if unmarried, wear a fake one to prevent unwanted attention.

Well, you may add more to this list and make your own guide, but with those tips, your journey will be much enjoyable as well as saver. Have a nice trip!

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