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28 Mei 2024 14:10

Without whitening treatment, this man shares how to remove black tartar from teeth with 1 kitchen ingredient

Blackened tartar must be removed so that it does not cause health problems. Devi Aristyaputri
Without whitening treatment, this man shares how to remove black tartar from teeth with 1 kitchen ingredient foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Tartar is a hard deposit that forms on the surface of the teeth due to the buildup of plaque formed from food residue, bacteria and other substances in the mouth. If plaque is not removed properly through toothbrushing and flossing, it will mineralize. Minerals from saliva, such as calcium and phosphate, can harden in plaque and form tartar. This process can occur within 24 to 72 hours after plaque forms.

Blackened tartar not only disturbs appearance, but also has a negative impact on oral health. Starting from gum disease, bad breath, and dental caries. There are various ways to remove tartar , such as scaling and whitening treatment at the dental clinic. Apart from the methods above, you can also remove black tartar from your teeth with tricks that are friendlier to your pocket.

You can follow the trick shared by a man named Andri by uploading it to Andri Firgiawan's YouTube channel. The man appeared to combine toothpaste with baking soda to remove dental plaque. This combination is claimed to be able to remove blackened tartar with its abrasive properties. However, this material will not damage the enamel. In addition, this combination is believed to be more effective than using toothpaste alone.

This kitchen ingredient is claimed to be able to reduce plaque that comes from food waste and bacteria. This way to reduce plaque is by gently scraping it off the surface of the teeth. Baking soda has alkaline properties that can neutralize acid, thereby helping maintain a more balanced oral environment and reducing the risk of plaque and tartar formation.

Reporting from healthline.com, Tuesday (28/5) baking soda also has antimicrobial properties which can help kill bacteria in the mouth . Therefore, baking soda reduces the number of bacteria which reduces the formation of plaque and tartar and reduces the risk of gum disease.

Baking soda can treat bad breath.

The alkaline properties in baking soda help neutralize the pH in the mouth that is too acidic. Mouth conditions that are too acidic tend to support the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.

Meanwhile, the antimicrobial properties of baking soda help kill bacteria that cause bad breath. Having soft abrasive properties, baking soda can remove bacteria. Even though it has many benefits for oral and dental health, baking soda should not be used too often to avoid excessive abrasiveness resulting from its use.

By using a combination of toothpaste and baking soda, your teeth will become whiter. Interested in using the trick above? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @Andrifirgiawan, Tuesday (28/5).

photo: YouTube/Andri firgiawan

- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 2 tablespoons of water
- 1 tablespoon of toothpaste.

photo: YouTube/Andri firgiawan

How to make:

1. Put the baking soda into a clean bowl
2. Pour water
3. Add toothpaste
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. The toothpaste concoction is ready for you to use.

photo: YouTube/Andri firgiawan

How to use:

1. Put the toothbrush you usually use into a bowl
2. Take enough combination of toothpaste ingredients
3. Use it to brush your teeth
4. Do it for one minute
5. By using this method, black tartar can fall off and your teeth will become white again.

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