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15 Mei 2024 16:11

Without using a lemon scrub, this girl brightens the dark underarm skin using 1 drink powder

Repeat this trick regularly to get the results you want. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: Instagram/@manisfaceyoga; freepik.com

Brilio.net - Skin care is not only intended for the face, but other parts of the body such as underarm skin also require regular care. Like the face, underarm skin can also experience hyperpigmentation or change color to black. For most people, dark armpits will disrupt their appearance. Moreover, for those who like to wear sleeveless clothes. Of course, black underarm skin makes you less confident.

To restore your self-confidence, you need to take care of your underarm skin so that it looks bright and smells good. However, before finding out information on how to lighten black underarm skin, it is better to look at the causes first.

One of the causes of dark underarm skin comes from using deodorants and antiperspirants. Both of these products contain chemicals that can cause irritation to the sensitive skin in the armpits. This irritation can trigger hyperpigmentation, namely excess melanin production which makes the skin appear darker.

In addition, shaving your armpits regularly can cause the skin to become rough and irritated. The shaving process can also cause repeated trauma to the skin, ultimately leading to darkening of the skin. On the other hand, the presence of remaining hair that is not completely cut can give the impression of darker underarms.

Another cause is dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the armpits which can make them look darker. If not cleaned regularly, this buildup can cause black underarms.

So, you can clean your underarm skin using the exfoliation method. Apart from being able to clean, exfoliation also makes underarm skin bright. You can use natural ingredients to exfoliate your skin. As did a girl who owns the Instagram account @manisfaceyoga. In a short video upload on Instagram, he did not use a lemon scrub but coffee powder combined with vitamin E capsules.

The use of lemon is replaced with coffee grounds, because this drink has exfoliating properties which can help remove dead skin cells and dirt from the armpits. Reporting from shopequo.com, Wednesday (15/5) the caffeine content in coffee grounds increases blood circulation which can regenerate skin cells and brighten the appearance. The antioxidant content in coffee can also fight skin damage caused by free radicals and rejuvenate it.

Underarm skin becomes brighter with vitamin E capsules.

The next ingredient in this underarm skin care is vitamin E capsules. Famous for its moisturizing properties, vitamin E capsules keep the skin soft and supple. These moisturizing properties help speed healing of irritated skin. Please note, vitamin E capsules are a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals and helps repair damaged skin. Apart from that, vitamin E capsules are claimed to be able to reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation by accelerating the regeneration of new skin cells.

So how do you use and make a scrub from the ingredients above? Come on, look at the information below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the Instagram account @manisfaceyoga, Wednesday (15/5).


photo: Instagram/@manisfaceyoga

- 2 vitamin E capsules
- 2 tablespoons coffee powder

How to make:

photo: Instagram/@manisfaceyoga

1. Prepare a clean bowl.
2. Add coffee grounds.
3. Mix with vitamin E capsule.
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
5. The underarm scrub is ready for you to use.

How to use:

photo: Instagram/@manisfaceyoga

1. Make sure the underarm skin is dry.
2. Apply the scrub to the underarm skin.
3. Leave it for 15 minutes.
4. Rub it slowly.
5. Rinse using normal water.
6. Repeat this trick regularly to get the results you want.

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