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24 Agustus 2024 12:00

This girl shares a long-lasting makeup trick without being cakey, use a primer mixed with a moisturizing product

Using foundation with a texture that is too thick on dry skin can cause it to look cakey. Anindya Kurnia
This girl shares a long-lasting makeup trick without being cakey, use a primer mixed with a moisturizing product foto: TikTok/@kemalagita

Brilio.net - Cakey makeup or makeup that looks lumpy and uneven is often a complaint of many people. This appearance not only reduces the beauty of the makeup, but can also reduce self-confidence. Cakey makeup usually occurs when cosmetic products do not blend with the skin, creating an unnatural layer effect.

One of the main causes of this problem is choosing products that are not suitable for your skin type. For example, using a foundation with a texture that is too thick on dry skin can cause cakey, because the product cannot blend well. As a result, it actually causes the skin to become drier and have an uneven texture.

On the other hand, on oily skin, products that are too heavy can clog pores and cause a cakey appearance. In addition, mistakes in skin preparation steps before makeup, such as not using a primer or moisturizer, can also affect the results of the product when it adheres to the skin.

If you are one of those who experience this condition, don't worry, because you can follow the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @kemalagita. Through her upload, she shared a trick to make makeup last longer without becoming cakey using a primer mixed with 1 moisturizer product. The moisturizer in question is petroleum jelly .

photo: TikTok/@kemalagita

"I don't know if this method works for you or not, but for me it's okay," he said in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @kemalagita, Saturday (24/8).

Well, before starting to apply makeup, make sure to do skin preparation first. Such as using moisturizer, sunscreen, and others. Furthermore, prepare your favorite primer and petroleum jelly. Take a little petroleum jelly and put it on the back of your hand (make sure your hands are clean).

photo: TikTok/@kemalagita

Then, mix it with the primer using a 1:5 ratio. Stir the two until evenly mixed, then apply to areas of the face, such as the forehead, under the eyes, the edges of the nose, and the chin, which are prone to cakey. Let it absorb and continue with the use of concealer.

Try not to apply concealer directly to the face, pour it on the back of your hand first and then apply it to the area of the face that has been applied with primer. Use your little finger to apply so that it is not too much. After that, blend using a small brush or a damp beauty blender.

photo: TikTok/@kemalagita

Next, use a light-textured foundation so that the face is not too dry. Blend the foundation using a beauty blender until it is completely even. Then, set using loose powder, by tapping first on the back of the hand, then apply to the face.

Not without reason, this trick is done to reduce the possibility of powder products sticking too much, in order to avoid makeup that is putty and cakey. After that, you can continue your makeup as usual.

photo: TikTok/@kemalagita

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