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27 Agustus 2024 08:25

This combination of baby oil and moisturizing products can overcome wrinkles on the neck, here's how to use it

UV rays damage collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, resulting in dryness and loss of firmness. Anindya Kurnia
This combination of baby oil and moisturizing products can overcome wrinkles on the neck, here's how to use it foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Wrinkles on the neck are one of the common signs of aging that occur as we age. As a person ages, the skin in the neck area becomes thinner and less elastic due to decreased collagen and elastin production.

This natural aging causes the skin to lose its ability to bounce back after being stretched or bent, resulting in more visible lines. In addition to aging, excessive sun exposure can also accelerate the formation of wrinkles. UV rays damage the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, causing dryness and loss of firmness.

In addition to external factors such as sun exposure, daily habits can also cause wrinkles on the neck. For example, frequently lowering the head position when using gadgets or reading can cause horizontal lines on the neck, known as "tech neck."

This habit causes the skin on the neck to experience constant pressure, accelerating the process of wrinkle formation. In addition, lack of hydration can also cause the neck to wrinkle faster. However, this does not mean that wrinkles on the neck cannot be overcome.

photo: TikTok/@air.supawadee

You can copy the trick shared by TikTok user @air.supawadee, who uses a combination of baby oil and moisturizer to treat neck wrinkles. The moisturizer in question is petroleum jelly .

Come on, check out how to make and use it, which briliobeauty.net launched on Monday (26/8).


- 1 teaspoon petroleum jelly
- Sufficient baby oil
- Plastic wrap

photo: TikTok/@air.supawadee

How to make and use:

1. Prepare a clean bowl
2. Pour baby oil and petroleum jelly into a bowl.
3. Stir both until evenly mixed.
4. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed neck.
5. Cover or wrap the neck using plastic wrap.
6. Leave it for 15-30 minutes then rinse with water until clean.
7. Do this routinely 2-3 times a week to get a tight, wrinkle-free neck.

photo: TikTok/@air.supawadee

Petroleum jelly content to overcome wrinkles on the neck.

One of the main reasons petroleum jelly can help reduce wrinkles is its ability to create a protective barrier on the skins surface. By applying petroleum jelly to the neck area, it forms a protective layer that prevents moisture loss from the skin. Maintaining moisture helps maintain skin elasticity and reduces dryness, which often worsens the appearance of wrinkles.

While petroleum jelly doesn't contain active anti-aging ingredients like retinol or vitamin C, its ability to lock in moisture and protect skin makes it a simple yet effective choice for neck skin care.

Benefits of baby oil for treating skin wrinkles.

Baby oil can overcome wrinkles on the neck because of its ability to moisturize and nourish the skin. Baby oil, which is generally based on mineral oil, works by creating a protective layer on the surface of the skin.

This layer helps lock in moisture and prevents water loss from the skin, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and softness. Well-hydrated skin tends to look smoother and wrinkles become less visible.

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