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27 November 2024 21:30

The transformation of a girl with a black birthmark on her face after being given pinky makeup resulted in flawless results.

The makeup results are truly flawless with the birthmark perfectly hidden. Anindya Kurnia
The transformation of a girl with a black birthmark on her face after being given pinky makeup resulted in flawless results. foto: TikTok/@dpmakeup__

Brilio.net - Birthmarks are abnormalities on the skin that appear from birth or in the first few months of life. These marks can be in various forms, ranging from red, blue, brown, blackish spots to small bumps or even textured areas. Birthmarks on the face are generally harmless, but can often affect a person's self-confidence, especially if the birthmark is large or striking.

Although birthmarks cannot be removed simply, there are various ways to disguise them . With the right makeup techniques, birthmarks can be disguised optimally. Choosing the right products such as primer, full coverage foundation, and corrector, plus careful application techniques, will help create smooth results and disguise birthmarks effectively.

As done by a MUA with the TikTok account owner @dpmakeup__. Through her upload, she shared the transformation of a girl with a black birthmark on her face made up with a pinky makeup look. The makeup results are truly flawless with the birthmark perfectly disguised.

photo: TikTok/@dpmakeup__

"Thank you very much, Sis, for trusting me," he wrote in the video caption, which briliobeauty.net quoted on Tuesday (26/11).

At the beginning of the video, a girl is seen with a face that looks uneven in color. The reason is, there is a black birthmark that almost fills half of the face area. However, thanks to the MUA's expertise in applying makeup, the girl managed to get her dream makeup results on graduation day.

photo: TikTok/@dpmakeup__

The result of her graduation makeup is really fresh and flawless. Pinky makeup look with a choice of pink shades, such as glamorous eyeshadow combination of pink and glitter, soft pink blush, and glossy pink lipstick, makes the girl look stunning.

photo: TikTok/@dpmakeup__

Not only that, thin contours , smooth complexion, on fleek eyebrows, and the right placement of highlighter, make the appearance of the girl with the birthmark on her face look stunning. In fact, the blackish birthmark on her face also seemed to disappear just like that.

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