- Hair curling treatments are increasingly popular as a solution to get voluminous and stylish hair texture. Good for people who want to add natural curls or change the appearance of straight hair to wavy.
Usually, women are willing to spend their time going to the salon to have beautiful and long-lasting curly hair. In addition to going to the salon, many people also curl their hair with a hair straightener or what is called a curling iron.
But too often straightening hair with a temperature of more than 185 degrees can damage its texture. Not only that, hair health will also be disturbed and make hair fall out easily. Hair can also become dry, split, brittle, and even turn reddish.
Well, another solution, you can curl your hair using safer materials or tools. Like what was shared by a TikTok user with the account name @nistyle19, who only relied on used goods to curl her hair. The used goods in question are plastic bags. Even so, the results are like salon curls.
Salon-style hair curling tricks using only used items
"CURLS using PLASTIC," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which released on Tuesday (3/9).
Through her upload, the account owner known as Nis only needs a used plastic bag (make sure it is clean and dry), and a spray filled with water. The method is to comb the hair first and make sure there are no tangled parts. After that, take a little hair and spray it with water until it is half wet.
Salon-style hair curling tricks using only used items
Then, roll the hair using a plastic bag from the tip to the base of the hair. You can also adjust how high the hair will be curled. After that, tie or lock the hair roll using the plastic bag used to roll. Do it until all parts of the hair.
Salon-style hair curling tricks using only used items
Well, for maximum results, you can leave it overnight. Then unroll your hair slowly in the morning. Then, comb it using your fingers so that the curls are more natural. You can also spray hair spray so that the curls last longer. This trick will help you get curly hair without damaging your hair health.
Salon-style hair curling tricks using only used items