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29 Agustus 2024 15:10

Make your face look slimmer, here's a trick to disguise chubby cheeks when wearing a hijab so your face looks oval

Accumulation of fat in the cheek area can also be the cause of a chubby appearance. Anindya Kurnia
Make your face look slimmer, here's a trick to disguise chubby cheeks when wearing a hijab so your face looks oval foto: TikTok/@faarsyazz

Brilio.net - Chubby cheeks , or cheeks that appear fuller and fuller, are often caused by various factors, including genetics, fat accumulation, and facial bone structure. Genetics play a major role in determining the shape and size of the cheeks. If a family member has chubby cheeks, chances are you will have them too, because this tendency can be inherited.

Fat accumulation in the cheek area can also be a cause of a chubby appearance. This is often related to unhealthy eating habits, excess calorie consumption, and lack of physical activity. Fat accumulation in the cheek area can be the result of overall excess weight, where the body stores fat in various areas, including the cheeks.

In addition, fluid retention, which can be influenced by excessive salt consumption and dehydration, can also make the cheeks look fuller. Even so, chubby cheeks can actually be disguised with various tricks. You can use contouring tricks on makeup, certain haircuts, to wearing a hijab with a special style.

One of them was shared by a TikTok user with the account name @faarsyazz, who shared a trick to disguise chubby cheeks when wearing a hijab so that the face looks oval.

photo: TikTok/@faarsyazz

"Those with round & chubby faces can't skip it!" he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted on Thursday (29/8).

Through the upload, the account owner known as Farsyaz shared a trick for wearing a square hijab to disguise chubby cheeks. First, make sure the bun (round hair tie) is in a neat condition first. After that, choose a headscarf or hijab material that is easy to arrange.

photo: TikTok/@faarsyazz

Then, do not fold the hijab directly to the cheeks, because it will make the face shape rounder. Put the hijab on the head, then pin it first without folding it. After that, fold it starting from the bottom of the jaw and make sure the top is not too curved round. You can form it a little oval, to create the illusion of a more oval face.

photo: TikTok/@faarsyazz

Not only that, Farsyaz also shared a trick to disguise chubby cheeks when wearing a hijab with a visible ciput look. Before wearing a hijab, put on a ciput that is similar to your skin color.

After that, pull the ciput to cover part of the cheeks, so that the cheeks look slimmer. Furthermore, wear a veil or hijab a little bit to the back, so that the ciput is visible. This trick can also make a round face with chubby cheeks look slimmer.

photo: TikTok/@faarsyazz

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