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20 Juli 2016 06:55

Know yourself, know others: 6 types of Millennials in the workplace

Every has their role in the office game. Retno Wulandari
Know yourself, know others: 6 types of Millennials in the workplace

Brilio.net/en - With Generation X ready to pass the workplace torch on to millennials, office culture is about to change. Whether youre a fellow millennial who wants to study up on his peers or a stakeholder in a company that employs a lot of young people, getting to know this new generation is essential.

Millennials have modern values, desires and characteristics. A recent study by advertising intelligence firm Exponential that examined the behavior and characteristics of over 4 million Millennials identified at least six different archetypes in the workplace. Scroll down for the list!

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1.The Travel Junkies

With all the chances they now have to travel open before them, this group of millennials wants to see the world, even if they have to do it on a tight budget. They want to visit destinations that were once unheard of except to the ultra-wealthy, immerse themselves in foreign culture, and take part in as many experiences along the way as possible to improve their skills and enrich their lives.

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These travel enthusiasts love to work for companies that offer the chance to work remotely, or with lots of freedom and flexibility to work while jumping from one adventure to another. For them, working behind the desk, every single day at the physical office is old-fashioned and they will likely avoid companies that offer that. However, they would be willing to sit and work for a time, if the company then gave them plenty of time off.

Even though theyre unlikely to settle, these kind of Millennials mostly know what they are doing and are less likely to take their freedom for granted. Instead, they will exchange it for responsibility and loyalty. Remember, they need the money to fund their journeys!

2. The Free-spirited

With you only live once (YOLO) in their minds, the free-spirited millennials are carefree and enthusiast souls. Their eyes are glued to screens, checking social media as they build their digital personas. They have a strong need to stay connected and while not busy working they can be found checking for new notifications or posting some new selfies.

Mastering this new digital world, these exuberant Millennials can be compared to the cool kids at school. They love to find share-worthy photos, contents, or videos in the hopes of inspiring fellow Millennials.

Though they seem to be distracted easily, when it comes to creative brainstorming and when you need ideas for engaging social contents, the free-spirited Millennials are the perfect people to ask.

3. The Conventional

Despite the Millennial label on their foreheads, this group loves nostalgia as a comforting, bittersweet retreat. Instead of breaking boundaries and shaking things off, these types of Millennials prefer to keep things the way theyve always been. These workers feel close to the Baby Boomer generation.

But, the Conventionals cant be (and dont want to be) completely offline. While they love to collect good books and radio cassettes, their young souls are hungry to absorb more information. These are the users who scroll through Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram absorbing the activities and opinions of others, without the need to constantly share their thoughts with the world. They likely have more content saved than they will ever have time to read, just the same way past generations kept scrapbooks.

This group of millennials is concerned about saving to buy a home, a vehicle and getting settled. They prefer to keep the job they have instead of finding new challenges at new places. They are able to work long hours, tend to respect their superiors and hardly ever missed a deadline, but might be less innovative than other groups.

4. The Achiever

With the level of wisdom and experience they have, its hard to believe that the Achievers belong to this generation. They are the go-getters who are always hungry to learn new skills and absorb as many as they can. They love to challenge themselves to reach milestones earlier than most of their fellow millennials.

As expected, they live with a high level of commitment to and enthusiasm for their careers. These ambitious young minds make great salespeople and business executives as they are energized by goals and competitions.

Despite all those qualities, the Achievers need constant challenges and stimulation to keep them on fire. Once they find a working environment gradually boring (which happens quickly and frequently), they will easily hop from one job to another.

5. The Fierce Bachelorette

I am many things, stupid is not one of them, says Scandals Olivia Pope, the fictional character who inspires this group of female millennials. The Fierce Bachelorettes live with big hopes and big dreams and they dont want to wait until one of them is accomplished to have a big lifestyle. They have been raised to believe there are no stairs too steep for them to climb.

With a tendency to prioritize work over love and friendships, they believe women can do anything men can do and theyre ready to prove it to the world. They strive for leadership positions, although their journey can be challenging. When personal image is the top priority besides work, spending and shopping become a habit.

6. The Millennials Mom

While working moms are now the norm, its easy to find Millennial Moms roaming the workplace. Perhaps the most interesting group on this list, they have encountered most of the influences described above, but in the brand-new perspective of a parent. According to the study, roughly 1.13 million out of 4 million millennials analyzed were mothers.

With more purchasing power, they tend to be big spenders, even compared to their fellow millennials (who generally spend a lot). Theyre digitally-savvy and as hungry to learn as any other group, but with more wisdom and a tendency to settle down on one career path.

They want flexibility at work and more time to spend with family. Thus, they rarely spend after-hours anywhere other than home like their single counterparts.

With family and kids in mind, they are more mature and responsible, but can be as ambitious as The Achiever or Fierce Bachelorette.

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