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7 Februari 2024 12:10

Just use 2 kitchen ingredients, this way to get rid of dandruff crust like a woman makes the head itchy

One of the causes of dandruff is fungus on the scalp. Anindya Kurnia

Brilio.net - Dandruff is a very annoying scalp problem. Not only does it cause an annoying itching feeling, dandruff will also make the flakes dirty your hair and clothes. This condition is caused by several factors, such as an oily head (seborrhoeic dermatitis) or a scalp that is too dry, fungal infections on the scalp, and psoriasis.

Apart from that, the appearance of white spots on the hair is certainly unsightly. Of the various causes of dandruff above, scalp problems, such as being too oily or too dry, can increase the chance of the Malassezia fungus multiplying.

This type of Malassezia fungus inhibits the release of dead skin cells, resulting in a collection of white spots that appear more clearly. You can also experience it in other parts of the body such as behind the ears, eyebrows, or facial folds. Moreover, the dandruff you are experiencing is crusty dandruff which is a little more difficult to get rid of. Not infrequently it is accompanied by quite severe hair loss.

This hair loss is the result of disturbed scalp health. This condition will also inhibit hair growth and damage hair follicles in order to maintain healthy hair.

To overcome this, there are various ways you can do it, of course apart from using anti-dandruff shampoo. One of them is by using natural ingredients in your kitchen. As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @ankitamehtashah on September 18 2022.

photo: freepik.com

Through the 43 second uploaded video, the account owner shares how to remove dandruff crusts using 2 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients used are lemon and yoghurt.

"Homemade hair mask for dandruff (Homemade hair mask for dandruff)," he wrote in the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @ankitamehtashah, Tuesday (6/2).

Lemons are known to contain high levels of vitamin C in them. In addition, lemons contain citric acid, flavonoids, iron, B vitamins, as well as natural brightening agents, which are commonly used in beauty care products. One of the benefits of lemon for hair is treating dandruff. The high citric acid content in lemons is believed to treat dandruff and dry scalp.

A study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology states that citric acid can help regulate the pH balance of the scalp naturally. In this way, the scalp becomes healthier and reduces the risk of dandruff.

Yoghurt is no exception, which can be used to treat dandruff. Apart from being able to optimally moisturize the scalp. This ingredient will nourish the scalp, thereby preventing you from dandruff. Yoghurt also contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that help stimulate hair growth by acting as a natural cleanser and getting rid of dandruff. The antibacterial benefits also help soothe the scalp and reduce itching.

This fermented milk product is even considered an effective ingredient for treating various hair and scalp problems. Its soothing and moisturizing properties will also help treat proriasis on the scalp.

You can use these two ingredients as a hair mask to treat dandruff flakes that cause itching on the head. Here's how to make it.

photo: TikTok/@ankitamehtashah


1. 1/2 lemon juice
2. 3 Tablespoons of yoghurt.

How to make:

1. Combine the two ingredients in a container then stir until evenly mixed
2. Apply to hair, especially at the roots of the hair and scalp
3. Rub and massage slowly
4. Leave it for approximately 20 minutes
5. Rinse with water until clean, then continue with shampoo and conditioner
6. Do it regularly at least 2 times a week to get optimal results.

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