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7 Februari 2024 23:10

Instead of using salt, this woman overcomes bad breath using just one type of leaf

Use this method regularly for seven days to get maximum results. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com ; TikTok/@solusi.sehatherbal

Brilio.net - Many people don't realize that they are experiencing bad breath. Even though someone has an attractive appearance, if someone has bad breath it can reduce their self-confidence. This bad breath is called halitosis in medical terms. The most common cause that causes this condition is rarely brushing your teeth and maintaining oral hygiene.

Quoting from Healthline, bad breath is generally caused by bacteria that grow because food gets stuck in the teeth, then releases foul-smelling sulfur compounds. If left unchecked, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more, forming plaque and producing tartar.

When that happens, the odor that appears can be more severe and prolonged. Even when you brush your teeth diligently. Therefore, regularly cleaning your teeth is very important to maintain oral health and hygiene. Apart from not maintaining oral hygiene, it turns out that bad breath can also be caused by several factors, such as smoking, eating strong-smelling foods, and serious medical conditions.

To overcome this condition, many people use dissolved salt and make it into a mouthwash . There's nothing wrong with it, but this method will make you feel sick if you have dental problems. So, another solution you can do is imitate the trick shared by the TikTok account @ Solusi.sehatherbal on September 12 2023.

In the 47 second video, the account owner gives a trick to overcome bad breath with just 1 type of leaf. The leaves in question are betel leaves. According to the information in the video, this concoction from betel leaves can be used regularly for seven days to get maximum results.

" Concoction to eliminate bad breath with betel. Swish your mouth before & after waking up for at least 7 days, " he wrote in the caption of his uploaded video, quoted by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @ Solusi.sehatherbal, Wednesday (7/2).

photo: freepik.com

Betel leaf is a herbal leaf that has various benefits for health and beauty. Even so, in fact betel leaves can also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth, you know. Reporting from Healthline, red betel leaves contain phyto-chemical compounds, namely alkaloids, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Thanks to these contents, betel leaves are useful for warding off free radicals.

Not only that, betel leaves also contain essential oils which are antibacterial and antiseptic which can overcome bad breath. It also contains the substance allylpyrocatechol (APC) which can inhibit bacteria that cause bad breath. APC is stated to be able to reduce the production of methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide, which are smelly gases from bacterial growth in the mouth.

Apart from that, betel leaves can also reduce the risk of dental caries forming. Just with betel leaves, you can make a mouthwash that is effective in reducing bad breath. Come on, see how to make and use it below.


photo: TikTok/@ Solusi.sehatherbal

1. 5 betel leaves
2. 1 glass of water

How to create and use:

photo: TikTok/@ Solusi.sehatherbal

1. Wash the betel leaves until clean.
2. Slice the betel leaves thinly.
3. Pour water into the pan then heat it until it boils.
4. Put the sliced betel leaves in boiling water.
5. Wait until it wilts and changes color.
6. Turn off the stove then pour the boiled betel leaves into a glass.
7. Leave it until it's warm then use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
8. Do this trick regularly every day to get healthy teeth and free of bad breath.

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