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8 Juni 2016 12:57

How to become a body language expert

Here are a few statements to help you decipher what other people are really thinking. Celia Tholozan
How to become a body language expert

Brilio.net/en - To be able to read body language of others can be very useful to understand whats actually on their minds. Here are a few statements to help you decipher what other people are really thinking.

1. Crossed arms and legs are definitely a sign of resistance

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Even if we are not always aware of it, crossing our body is revealing of a resistant state of mind. The person whos crossing his or her legs or arms while talking to you isnt necessarily rejecting you, but part of themselves isnt open. Unconsciously still, this can evolve during the conversation: the resitance can be warmed up with words but also by the attitude of the interlocutor.


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2. Ones real smile is in the eye, not the mouth

It happens a lot that you notice someone is smiling but doesnt seem happy. In our societies it became a sort of obligation to smile in certain situations, in order to send a positive image but also to respect the unspoken communication code. Next time you doubt a smile, look at that persons eyes.It is actually very easy to separate the upper part of ones face, and this part never lies!

3. The eyebrows reveal everything

As just mentioned, the upper part of the face generally never lies. By looking at someones eyebrow and how this person controls it or not can tell a lot about his or her current mood and degree of interest.


4. The posture tells everything about the leaderships power

The easiest to spot, if a person is in a situation of confidence, the body posture will be naturally open and the gestures will be expressive. On the other hand, in some situations we just want to go unnoticed and the body will curve a bit on its own. Observing these seemingly minor details can help you understand a dialogue much better.

5. Starring in the eye is not always a sign of honesty

The way people look can be very tricky and is the hardest sign to observe. Looking straight in someones eyes can be a sign of honesty but the belief that liars always look on the side or down is not accurate either. Many people are aware of the power of the look and can perfectly lie to you while looking at you directly in your eyes.


6. Mimetism is an encouraging sign

If the person in front of you starts to copy your movements, by sitting the same way as you do for example, or adopting your arms gesture, it is a very good sign. When we copy someones moves, it means that we are actually trying to understand the person we have in front, to get into his world and try to see and feel the same way that we do. Experts even say that it is one of the best ways to make new friends.

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